Author Archives: Doctors Health Press Editorial Team

Doctors Health Press publishes daily health articles and monthly health newsletters for a wide array of alternative and natural health topics like healing foods, homeopathic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, hidden cures for common illnesses, and natural self-healing. Doctors Health Press also publishes books and reports that provide timely health breakthroughs, always focusing on natural and alternative health. Topics include omega health, prostate health, natural weight loss, natural diabetes cures, heart health, stroke prevention, secret herbal cures, vision health, anti-aging, sexual health, joint pain relief and alternatives to prescription drugs.
Why Do I Have Sore Eyes? Causes and Prevention Tips
Nummular Headache: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Best Cervicogenic Headache Exercises
Ultimate Guide to a Healthy New Year Diet and Food Trends for 2018
What Are the Benefits of Tai Chi for Seniors? Warm-Up and Exercises for Beginners
15 Possible Causes of Pain under the Right Breast
Understanding Nondisplaced Fracture: How to Diagnose and Treat It
How to Relieve Costochondritis: Exercises and Yoga Tips
Is Eggnog Good for You or Even Safe to Drink This Holiday Season?
Scleroderma: What Causes Hardening of the Skin?
Is Scurvy Contagious? Prevention and Treatment Tips
Hypertension Diet: 10 Good Foods for High Blood Pressure
What Causes Pain under the Left Rib after Eating?
Let’s Talk Turkey! The Health Benefits of a Thanksgiving Turkey
How to Get Rid of a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) Naturally?
Depression Treatment: The Pros and Cons of Antidepressants
Noisy Breathing (Breath Sounds): Types and What Causes It
Sternum Popping: Why Does My Chest Pop?
11 Causes Linked to Neck Pain on the Left Side
Abscess behind the Ear: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments