7 Amazing Homeopathic Tea Remedies

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tea remedies
Credit: iStock.com/AlexRaths

It is amazing what can be made into a homeopathic remedy. Plants, in particular, make up a good portion of the Homeopathic Materia Medica, and a lot of them come from popular medicinal herbal remedies. Some of those herbal tonics are incredibly effective tea remedies.

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and it is part of many daily rituals and ceremonies. For instance, the British have their afternoon tea time, chai tea is the national drink of India, and the matcha tea ceremony is popular in Japanese teahouses.

Not to mention, when you wake up, you may even start your day with tea rather than coffee. Some teas even have sedative properties, and will help calm us down or cheer us up. When it is cold outside, tea will keep us nice and warm.

Seemingly, the versatility of tea is endless. It is no wonder that certain teas can also be made into homeopathic remedies. Read on to learn more about medicinal tea, including what tea can make various homeopathic remedies.

A Brief History of Tea-Derived Remedies

Why do we all drink tea in the first place? Well, it all started in China. The Chinese were the first culture to discover the tea leaf, or the buds of the Camellia sinensis plant.

The discovery of tea is credited to the second “Celestial Emperor,” scholar, and herbalist, Shen Nong, in the third millennium BCE. He was known to boil water before drinking it. Wild tea leaves would fall into his boiling pot, and the beverage tea was born. During the Tang dynasty, from 618-906 AD, tea had become the national drink of China.

Tea was more than just a stimulant that made you alert. In Chinese dietary therapy, tea also had a healing effect on the body, and some of the teas were part of treating digestion issues, diabetes, headaches, hypertension, and more.

Some of these medicinal teas or herbs can be made into homeopathic remedies. This includes marsh tea becoming “ledum”; tea becoming “thea”; and New Jersey tea becoming “ceanothus.” In most, the fresh plant or flower is dried and steeped in alcohol. The substance is then filtered, diluted, and succussed to become a homeopathic remedy.

Keep in mind that many herbs are used to make tea. For this article, I have singled out seven homeopathic remedies in particular made from different teas or herbal teas.

7 Homeopathic Tea Remedies

Here is a brief look at each remedy, including their amazing potential health benefits.

1. Ledum (Marsh Tea)

Ledum is a homeopathic remedy made from Ledum palustre (Rhododendron tomentosum). In its tea form, it is known as Marsh tea, Labrador tea, northern Labrador tea, or wild rosemary. It is found mostly in Ireland, Scandinavia, the U.S., and Canada. After the infamous tea tax in 1773, Marsh tea was briefly used in the U.S. as a substitute for black tea.

The person that requires ledum will often be anxious, antisocial, dissatisfied, or angry. Ledum is considered the perfect first-aid remedy for cuts, wounds, insect stings, or eye injuries. It is also used to prevent an infection in an open wound, and can help heal a slow-healing black eye.

Ledum is also an appropriate remedy for osteoarthritis. It is given for swollen joints that feel cold, and make cracking noises from movement. Since 1995, ledum has also been used as a homeopathic remedy for Lyme disease.

2. Thea (Tea)

Tea itself can be made into a homeopathic remedy called thea. Tea (Camellia sinensis) is native to China, but it also cultivated in Sri Lanka and India. It is heavily used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine as a digestive and nerve tonic.

The person that requires thea often has an overactive nervous system. Thea is given to people with irritability, violent impulses, mental restlessness, or psychiatric problems.

It is also used for indigestion, insomnia, or palpitations and other heart problems. Warmth is thought to improve symptoms, but after meals, at night, or walking in the open air will make things worse.

3. Ceanothus (New Jersey Tea)

Native Americans would use the root from the Ceanothus americanus plant to make tea for the treatment of sore throats, catarrh, and fevers. The leaves of the plant were also used as a tea substitute during the Revolutionary War.

The homeopathic ceanothus is best for people that lack energy and feel apathetic. It is used for lethargy with tenderness and swelling, and pain in the spleen. It is also used for serious lymph or blood disorders like Hodgkin’s disease or leukemia.

Other symptoms that may require ceanothus include shortness of breath, palpitations, chilliness, a right-sided headache, nervousness, and appetite loss.

4. Taraxacum (Dandelion)

Dandelion tea is a popular diuretic tea used for liver health and digestive ailments. Drinking dandelion tea could also help you avoid high blood pressure, muscle tension, tooth decay, and calcium deficiency. Also, many use dandelion tea for treating diabetes and preventing urinary tract infections.

The homeopathic version of taraxacum is used also for digestive disorders and urinary problems, as well as gallbladder inflammation, gallstones, and headaches associated with gastric disturbances. The person that requires homeopathic dandelion has a tendency toward depression. Resting, standing, sitting, and eating fatty foods will worsen symptoms; however, symptoms improve from movement, touch, or walking.

5. Chamomilla (German Chamomile)

Chamomile has been used for around 5,000 years in tea to promote relaxation and relieve anxiety and depression. It may also help relieve congestion, and it is sometimes given to women after labor to promote rest and to relax abdominal muscles.

As a homeopathic remedy, chamomilla is used often by the person with a low threshold for pain who is bad-tempered, easily offended, and impossible to please. Chamomilla is also often given for irritability, anger, fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and menstrual and labor pain.

6. Hydrocotyle (Gotu Kola)

Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) is an herb that creates a tonic tea that is especially popular in Indian Ayurvedic culture. It has long been used as part of meditation in India, as well as a treatment for leprosy. Today, it is used for all sorts of health conditions, including wounds, varicose veins, scleroderma, congestive heart failure, stress, insomnia, and anxiety.

As a homeopathic remedy, hydrocotyle is best suited for people that alternate their behavior. For instance, one minute they will be talkative and lively, whereas the next they are sad and suddenly desire to be alone.

The homeopathic remedy is also used for treating conditions like leprosy when there are no ulcerations. It is also useful for psoriasis with hardening and scaling of the affected area, and lupus with scaly patches that leave dull and white scars.

The remedy is also used for excessive skin thickening, distortion and swelling, which is similar to a chronic lymphatic system disease called elephantiasis.

7. Calendula

Calendula has been around for centuries, and is known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be made into a gel, cream, tincture, and a tea. As a tea, calendula may be particularly helpful for internal duodenal and gastric ulcers and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) cramps.

Homeopathic calendula is often given for cuts and broken skin, eczema, postoperative wounds, leg and varicose ulcers, bleeding gums after tooth extraction, and ruptured tendons and muscles.

Using Tea with Homeopathy

There are some key points to keep in mind when using homeopathy with actual tea. For example, regular consumption of caffeinated or decaffeinated beverages has potential to reduce the body’s response to homeopathic remedies by up to 75%. Drinking black tea or green tea in moderation is fine, but regular use may lessen the effects of certain homeopathic remedies.

It is a good idea to consult with your homeopath before using certain herbs medicinally, along with your homeopathic remedy. Natrum muriaticum is a homeopathic remedy in particular that will interact with all forms of peppermint, such as peppermint tea.

You should also speak with your primary healthcare provider or pharmacist before trying any herbal remedy. They can advise you of any possible allergies and drug interactions to watch out for.

Final Thoughts on Homeopathic Tea Remedies

Tea-derived homeopathic remedies are made from some popular herbal remedies, and even some ancient teas, including ledum, thea, chamomilla, ceanothus, taraxacum, hydrocotyle, and calendula. These remedies can be very beneficial for the right person.

That is why I recommend consulting with a qualified homeopath before trying a homeopathic tea-derived remedy. This is because they will be able to confirm what remedy is the best fit based on your mental, emotional, and physical symptoms. At the same time, they will be able to determine the most appropriate dosage and potency of your chosen remedy.

Also read:

Lockie, A., Encyclopedia of Homeopathy: The Definitive Home Reference Guide to Homeopathic Remedies and Treatments for Common Ailments (New York: DK Publishing, Inc., 2000), 46, 132-135, 152, 168, 173, 196.
Lockie, A., et al., The Complete Guide to Homeopathy: The Principles & Practice of Treatment (New York: DK Publishing, 1995), 122, 124, 134.
“Ledum,” Encyclopedia.com; http://www.encyclopedia.com/medicine/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/ledum, last accessed Aug. 24, 2017.
“11 Interesting Gotu Kola Benefits,” Organic Facts; https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/herbs-and-spices/health-benefits-of-gotu-kola.html, last accessed Aug. 24, 2017.