We all know how popular natural supplements are these days. And, readers of Doctors Health Press are aware of the thousands of studies that point to the health benefits of taking them. A new study might be interesting to take a peek at—it found out, via a poll, what people who take supplements are most concerned about; in essence, why they are buying them. Can you relate?
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The study found that 52% of users are concerned about the health of their hearts. Also, 73% were interested in natural, proven treatments for reducing cholesterol. They want natural supplements that work with the body to correct any imbalances. Here are more highlights from the survey, which was conducted among 677 supplement users in the United States in May 2012:
— Heart health is of definitive importance
— People recognize that there is a link between gut health and heart health (hence, why probiotics can help)
— Heart health is a bigger concern than digestive health (at 52% versus 40%)
— A firm 91% of those surveyed believe that diet is related to heart health, agreeing that the health of their heart can be directly affected by what they eat
— Three-quarters agree that their overall health is affected by the health of their digestive system
— Another 76% agree that the health of their digestive system affects the health of their heart
— About 75% would prefer a more natural way to lower cholesterol
— About 73% wish there was a clinically proven way to reduce cholesterol that is not a prescription drug
— More than two-thirds (67%) worry about the side effects of taking prescription drugs to treat cholesterol
— 77% agree that probiotics deliver “good” bacteria to your body
— 60% have used probiotics, either in the form of a food with active live cultures, a probiotic food, or supplement
— Nearly 70% of probiotic users agree that different active cultures provide different types of health benefits
— 73% of probiotic users agree that active cultures do more than just improve digestion.
In all, the focus on probiotics is going to start growing bigger and bigger in coming years. Science has been focusing closely on the extent to which bacteria in our bodies keep us free from disease. The body’s bacterial environment is called the “microbiome.”
Years from now, it is conceivable that when getting checked out by the doctor, a sample of your microbiome will be analyzed, along with taking your blood pressure and measuring cholesterol and whatnot in the blood.