Author Archives: Adrian Newman, B.A.

Adrian has been working in the information publishing world since 1997. But when it comes to health information, he’s a self-admitted late bloomer. A couch potato since pre-school, Adrian was raised on TV, video games and a lifestyle that led to childhood obesity that followed him well into adulthood. But when he hit his forties, he decided enough was enough. He had a family to take care of and his days of overeating, under-exercising and inactivity were going to lead him on the fast road to heart disease, diabetes or death. With the help of fellow DHP experts Mat Lecompte, who helped him with a rigorous exercise regime, and Leah Shainhouse, who completely transformed his eating habits, Adrian was able to not only drop a significant amount of weight, but embrace a new healthy lifestyle.
What’s in Your Fast-Food Chicken Sandwich?
Bill Paxton’s Death: What Happened…and Are You at Risk?
PPIs: Popular Heartburn Medication Could Be Damaging Your Kidneys
Top 3 Unhealthy Habits to Give up at Lent
The Secret to Sticking to Your Healthy Lent Goal
Poor Eyesight: Major Causes, Plus Prevention & Treatment Tips
Vitamin D Deficiency in the Winter: Health Effects & Supplementation
Health Care Changes Under Trump & Your Health
The Best Healthy Valentine’s Day Gifts for Your Loved One
Tom Brady’s Fitter than Ever—How Does He Do It?
How Celebrity Diets Can Be Deadly
Vision Myths Busted: The Truth about Eye Health
Obamacare and Trump: Why the Future of the ACA’s Looking Bleak
These Two Antioxidants Can Have Amazing Long-Term Benefits for Your Eyes
3 Ways to Avoid the Negative Effects of Holiday Drinking
Lack of Sleep Can Lead to Car Accidents—Here’s How to Avoid It
Risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Daytime Sleepiness: Is There a Link
Alcohol Consumption May Help Improve Cholesterol
The Hot Toddy: The Secret to Battling Seasonal Illnesses
Three Natural Ways to Improve Your Mental Health