Bumps on Lips: Common Causes and Treatment Tips

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Bumps on LipsWhether it is red or white, any strange bump on your lip can be unsightly and sometimes painful. A bump on lips can be caused by a bite, hot food, or even a mild or serious health condition. Bumps on lips treatment of one or more can be done by home remedies, depending on the severity of the bump and the underlying cause.

Our lips are a tender surface of skin, and is one of the first things noticed by others. An irritant can cause a painful lump to form and may crack, bleed, or blister. Some infections can spread the virus to result in an outbreak of tiny bumps along our lip line, or directly on the lip itself. Let’s take a closer look at what causes bumps on lips.

Common Causes of Bumps on Lips

Many causes of bumps on lips are not of a serious nature and can be treated with a few steps. However, you should be aware of the complications stemming from serious health conditions.

1. Acne

Hormonal imbalance and a lack of proper skin care can lead to oral acne. These tiny bumps are a precursor to an outbreak of acne. They can appear with raised sides or filled with pus. Acne bumps can be treated.

2. Cold Sores

A common lip bump among the public is a cold sore. It is caused by the herpes simplex virus 1, and is referred to as oral herpes. It can appear alone as a painful red bump or in clusters anywhere on the lip, along the lip line, or inside the mouth wall.

An early sign is a tingling or twinging sensation in one area before the cold sore outbreak. It becomes a blister filled with pus, that can be easily spread to other areas of the mouth and body. A cold sore can last up to two weeks, and unless the person infected suffers from an autoimmune disease, it can be treated.

3. Bacterial Infection

As with cold sores, the first twinging sensation felt on the lips is the sign of an infection. There are bacterial infections that can result in tiny bumps on the lips. It can be easily spread by sharing lip balms, or even cause recurrence from using the same lipstick surface as before the outbreak.

4. Sunburn

Just as the skin surface of our body requires protection from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays, our lips need protection as well. Lip bumps that appear the same color as the lip surface are caused by a sunburn.

5. Fordyce’s Spots

A cluster of white spots on, or near your lips can be Fordyce’s spots. They are not contagious and will not cause pain. These white bumps on lips are sebaceous glands of hair follicles commonly seen on the lips, on the inner mouth cheeks, or even on the genitals. They usually disappear over time.

6. Allergy

Your favorite lipstick, lip balm, or other covering may cause tiny bumps on your lips due to an allergen irritant in the cosmetic. With all prevention taken, you may also have an outbreak if you kiss or share a glass with someone using the product. Other allergens could also be the cause such as food, pollen, mold, and pet dander.

7. Cancer

This is a rare cause of lip bumps, but it can happen, especially to male smokers. The tiny sores do not heal or vanish, and can appear to turn from white to red. They also can spread to the inside of the mouth and affect the gums, tongue, and jaw.

When to Seek Medical Help

While most of the various types of sores can be treated and eliminated, there are times when a bump has characteristics and accompanying symptoms that require immediate medical attention. Seek emergency care if you experience the following:

  • A rash that quickly spreads
  • Non-stop bleeding
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Swollen lips

Have any bumps on lips checked if you have the following:

  • Bleeding from bumps
  • Swollen jawline
  • Painful bumps
  • White patches on lip
  • Bumps that do not heal
  • Numbness of the tongue

Treating Bumps on Lips with Natural Home Remedies

For those little bumps that do not require medical attention, there are a few bumps on lips home remedies and lifestyle changes. These will quicken the healing process, as well as alleviate any associated pain. So, take note of the ways to prevent bumps on lips.

  • Maintain good oral health habits by brushing teeth two to three times daily and floss at least once a day
  • After an outbreak of a bump on lip, replace your toothbrush
  • Gargle mouth with a warm saltwater rinse solution
  • Avoid touching the bump and wash hands thoroughly after placing fingers on or near it
  • Use lip balms with SPF during any outdoor activities, including walking
  • Use lip products made with natural ingredients, and refrain from using flavored lip balm to avoid licking lips
  • Keep lips hydrated by drinking water on a regular basis

Bumps on lips can be painful and sore, and may cause you to be self-conscious when in public. Many forms of the bumps can be easily treated with proper oral hygiene and may disappear over a short time. Accompanying symptoms could indicate a more serious health condition, and you may need to take steps to seek medical attention. It is important to note the size, shape, and color of the bump or bumps, in order to determine the underlying cause, so prevention for a recurrence can be taken.

Also Read:

Callahan, R., “What are Little Bumps on the Lips?” Livestrong, August 16, 2013; http://www.livestrong.com/article/181632-what-are-little-bumps-on-the-lips/, last accessed March 20, 2017.
Folkl, A., “Bumps on the Edge of Your Lips,” Livestrong, July 24, 2015; http://www.livestrong.com/article/297307-bumps-on-the-edge-of-the-lips/, last accessed March 20, 2017.