A special group of vegetables called cruciferous vegetables could help to reduce your risk for getting cancer. Researchers have discovered that these cruciferous vegetables contain a phytochemical known as isothiocyanates. Isothiocyanates stimulate your body to break down potential carcinogens. They work by preventing the transformation of normal healthy cells into cancerous cells.
An excellent example of an anti-cancer cruciferous vegetable is broccoli. Broccoli contains sulforaphane, which is a natural chemical that stimulates your body to produce enzymes and destroy carcinogens. This substance is particularly rich in broccoli sprouts and about 20 to 50 times richer in mature broccoli.
At the Harbor UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, California, a study was conducted to determine the effects of eating broccoli among men and women aged 50 to 74. The results showed that those who consumed more broccoli (average: 3.7 cooked servings per week (each serving is about a half a cup)) were 50% less likely to develop colorectal cancer than those who never ate broccoli!
Many cruciferous vegetables also contain a compound called indole-3-carbinol. This compound is said to reduce the risk of hormone-dependent cancers such as prostate, breast and ovarian cancer. Indoles are sources of chemicals that contain sulfur, which are released whenever cruciferous vegetables are crushed or cooked.
Indoles may be responsible for the reduced cancer risk in people who eat large amounts of cauliflower, kale and cabbage. A clinical study found that the indoles found in cruciferous vegetables helped reduce the incidence of head and neck tumors in smokers.
Starting to become convinced about the cancer-protective effect of broccoli, cabbage and kale? Try adding some of these veggies to your diet every day:
— Arugula
— Bok choy
— Broccoli
— Brussels sprouts
— Cabbage
— Cauliflower
— Chinese cabbage
— Collard greens
— Daikon
— Kale
— Kohlrabi
— Mustard greens
— Radishes
— Rutabaga
— Turnips
— Watercress