Why You NEED to Eat Foods That Include These
Dear {firstname}.Append([,][Doctors Health Press e-Bulletin reader,])
Did you know that what you eat can have a substantial impact on your mentalhealth? And do you know what the seven essential ingredients that will give your brain the nutrients it needs to be healthy are?
You probably do already know the physical benefits of eating a healthy, balanced diet. For example, if you eat a diet high in sugar and unhealthy fats, you’re more likely to develop obesity, type-II diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, heart disease, and even some forms of cancer. On the other hand, you’ll be less likely to experience these illnesses if you consume a diet high in vegetables, healthy fats, lean protein, and whole grains.
But there is more to nutrition than what it can do for our bodies. Research indicates that our diets are closely linked to our mental health. Food choices are increasingly linked to conditions like depression and are becoming recognized as key components for psychiatric treatment.
So what are the most beneficial nutrients for a brain-healthy diet? The things that are good for your body are almost always good for your brain. Look at it this way: the type of gas you put in your car impacts its performance on all fronts. The same goes for your body—the better quality food you eat, the better your overall performance will be. Just because it’s above your neck doesn’t mean your brain is separated from your body.
The Mediterranean diet is highly touted as a brain-healthy diet because of its nutrient-dense focus on vegetables, healthy fats, lean protein, and whole grains. And with your brain, much like your body, it’s all about balance. So as long as you’re eating these types of food regularly, you should be getting everything you need.
As far as specific nutrients that are connected to brain health, these are what you need to include in your diet (and you will get all of them from a well-balanced or Mediterranean-style diet):
— Omega-3 fatty acids (DHA, EPA, ALA): You can get these in salmon, tuna, eggs, soybeans, flaxseed, and walnuts
— Essential amino acids: You can find these in meat, fish, milk, eggs, beans, and quinoa
— B-vitamins (B12, folate): Your best sources of B12 are dairy products, meat, and fish; try spinach, okra, cooked soybeans, beets, avocado, fortified grains, lentils, and organs meats for folate
— Vitamin D: You can find this in fish, liver, egg yolk, and fortified dairy or juice
— Zinc: Your best food sources for this mineral are oysters, red meat, beans, and nuts
— Magnesium: You can get this is in dark leafy greens, seeds, nuts, beans, avocados, and bananas
— Iron: In addition to spinach and red meat, some other good sources for this mineral are clams, sunflower seeds, nuts and beans
Eat your way to mental health! By adopting a healthy, balanced diet, and taking dietary supplements when required, you will promote a healthy body and brain.
In health,
Adrian Newman