While the benefits of polyphenols have long been espoused by traditional Indian medicine, they have only recently caught on in the West. This interest in the powerful antioxidants has led to a great deal of clinical research. And, the findings have shown strong evidence that polyphenols help treat heart disease in at least five different ways.
Over the last few years, numerous studies have demonstrated the health benefits of polyphenols, especially as related to seniors and Alzheimer’s. More recently, particular attention has been paid to their beneficial effects against cardiovascular disease, the world’s No. 1 killer.
When a team of researchers analyzed the role of polyphenols in heart disease prevention, they found four very specific healing effects:
1. Polyphenols exert vasodilator effects; which means they help dilate blood vessels and improve circulation. Vasodilators help keep high blood pressure in check, and consequently lower the chances of heart disease.
2. Polyphenols are able to improve your lipid profiles; which means they can help manage cholesterol levels and, more specifically, stop the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. When LDLs are oxidized, the risk of heart disease goes up.
3. Polyphenols exert clear anti-inflammatory effects.
4. Polyphenols can help prevent cell death in the vascular endothelium. Vascular endothelium cells line the entire circulatory system, and play a huge role in keeping the heart healthy.
There are many different types of polyphenols, each with specific food sources. To improve your consumption of polyphenols, eat tomatoes, berries, and nuts, and drink red wine (in moderation) and tea.
Sources for Today’s Articles:
Four Ways Polyphenols Can Save Your Life
Mar, Q. et al., “Beneficial Effects of Polyphenols on Cardiovascular Disease,” Pharmacol Res. November 19. 2012.