Anuria: The Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Tips

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AnuriaWhile the anuria definition means no urine, the medical condition of this symptom refers to a dangerously low urine output. Complete failure to produce urine is actually kidney failure. Our normal urine output ranges from one to two liters per day.

For proper body functioning, we must get rid of 300 to 500 milliliters of waste and fluid each day. Anuria occurs with less than 50 milliliters of output per day, but is considered to be present when output reaches under 100 milliliters.

What Causes Anuria?

Known as the advanced or late stage of a kidney problem, anuria occurs when the urine flow has dipped between 50 to 100 milliliters over a 24-hour period. It follows the serious stage called oliguria, when urine output is below 500 milligrams a day. There are three main causes leading to anuria.

1. Prerenal

This stage refers to a problem indirectly affecting the kidneys. These problems can include issues with the blood vessels in the kidneys. Under prerenal, we find three major causes with varying symptoms.

Hypovolemia is the decrease of blood plasma. This happens with diarrhea, vomiting, hemorrhage, burns, pulmonary edema, consuming diuretics, and fluid loss due to surgery or drainage. Low systemic vascular resistance refers to the expansion of blood vessels. This can be caused by a state of shock, sepsis, a reaction to certain prescription drugs, and the workings of antihypertensive drugs. Heart failure occurs when the heart cannot pump blood as efficiently as it should. This can be a result of arrhythmia, heart attack, cardiomyopathy, cardiac tamponade, and a decrease in blood output by the heart.

Other causes of the prerenal stage include diabetes, anaphylaxis, pancreatitis, and compression of the renal vein or the inferior vena cava. This stage may also be reached due to health conditions such as congenital heart disease, respiratory distress syndrome, perinatal asphyxia and indomethacin, or by using certain medications during pregnancy.

2. Renal

This anuria cause refers to issues of the kidneys due to diseases, and the effects of long-term use of some medications. At this stage, we see a decrease in urine output. This can be initiated by autoimmune, systemic and vascular diseases, congenital kidney issues, or by having a family history of renal problems. It can also be seen with endogenous toxins and with the use of nephrotoxic drugs. Cases have also been seen with hematuria, muscle trauma, and glomerulonephritis.

3. Postrenal

Postrenal causes occur with the outflow of urine from the kidneys. Obstruction causes in the kidneys can include a mass, calculi, lower urinary tract issues, benign prostatic hypertrophy, retroperitoneal fibrosis, or a mechanical problem if using a catheter.

Anuria Symptoms and Complications

As anuria is a symptom in itself, it can be accompanied by other symptoms occurring beforehand. These can include a change in the flow of urine, such as dribbling and a lower urine output. You can check your urine output by tracking it over a 24-hour period. This is done by comparing the amount of fluid intake with the amount of urine output. Physical symptoms associated with anuria may be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, decrease in appetite, and muscle weakness. Renal surgery patients and people with recurring urinary tract infections, enlarged prostate glands, and congenital kidney disease can experience complications of anuria.

Anuria Treatment Tips

Medical treatment of anuria consists of recognizing the underlying cause, as well as any medical history relating to the anuria. For example, if the cause is an obstruction of the urine flow, you may need to undergo a surgical procedure to remove or repair the obstruction. Any low urine output is a cause for concern, and should be addressed by a professional health care provider. Based on the cause, there are some holistic medicine professionals that use herbs to treat symptoms and prevent further complications.

These treatments can include the following:

  • Cucumber: Combine one teaspoon of ground cucumber seeds and one glass of coconut water.
  • Avocado: Boil 500 milligrams of water and add 200 grams of avocado leaves. Leave it overnight. Drink one cup of mixture daily.
  • Cabbage: Use daily in broths, soups, or salads.
  • Java Tea: Boil one cup of water with five grams of java tea leaves twice daily.
  • Chayote: Boil one cup of water with the leaves or seeds of chayote for a drink to be taken twice daily.
  • Carrot: Mix four grams of carrot seed with one glass of warm water for a drink to be taken three times a day.
  • Land Caltrops: Boil one plant and add one teaspoon of honey to every 20 milligrams of mixture for a daily drink.

Anuria is a serious symptom of kidney problems, and needs to be addressed before further complications such as bladder inflammation and kidney failure takes hold. There are several causes of anuria that offer their own symptoms to watch for. Anuria can be treated and even prevented in many cases. If you are suffering from any of the previously discussed symptoms or diseases, it is imperative you monitor your urine output closely to avoid anuria.

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