If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 20 years as a medical professional, it’s this: 9 out of 10 trips to the doctor could easily be prevented by using a simple home remedy!
Take back pain, for example. Did you know that one of the best ways to stop back pain is with ice? Or that sleeping with a pillow between your legs can work wonders? Or that one simple stretch, done correctly, could eliminate years of suffering?
You didn’t?
I’m not surprised. Most people have come to believe that a trip to the doctor and a prescription is always the best way to heal their ills. But as an MD, I’m telling you that’s simply not true! Fact is, you can heal dozens of common illnesses right at home with a simple natural remedy.
For these reasons, I would often send my patients home from an appointment not with a prescription, but with an information sheet on an equally effective home remedy.
So popular were these handouts that not only my patients asked me to write a book, but many of my colleagues asked me as well. That way they, too, could provide their patients with the same home healing information my patients have come to depend on and love.
And that’s exactly what I’ve done.
Introducing the Most Complete and Authoritative Collection of Doctor-Proven Home Remedies We’ve Ever Published
That’s a huge claim, I know.
But over the past six months, my research staff and I have spent countless hours collecting, confirming, and fact checking the most advanced home remedies in the world.
Using my own collection as a starting point, we simply scoured the world, talking to other doctors to find out what they recommended to ease arthritis pain… fight flu infections… and prevent gum disease.
As a result, we were able to compile what I consider to be the greatest collection of home healers for over 100 conditions.
For example, through our research, we uncovered more than…
- 7 new home remedies to help stop angina pain
- 15 all-natural remedies to help relieve back-pain
- 19 proven ways to help reverse fatigue and reenergize your life
- 31 gentle ways to reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol
And so it goes for nearly every common condition that my patients come to see me about. As a result of our efforts, we found not just one doctor-proven home remedy for over 100 everyday illnesses, but for some ailments, dozens of remedies — giving you many more healing options.
We’ve bundled all of these amazing breakthroughs into one manual entitled Doctors Home Remedies That Work.
I urge you to examine it right now. Click on the link below. You’ll learn how to treat 101 everyday illnesses in your home and enjoy a happier and healthier life.