Whole Fruits That Lower Blood Pressure Levels

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Fruits that lower blood pressure
Credit: iStock.com/Eplisterra

In the search for natural ways to lower high blood pressure, eating a healthy diet of whole fruits and vegetables has shown to be a powerful tool. Fruits that lower blood pressure contain high amounts of potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Research indicates that pears, grapes, and apples are the top choices among fruits that reduce blood pressure.

Many experts call high blood pressure, or hypertension, the “silent killer” as it can be present for years with no obvious symptoms. The high force of blood against the artery walls can damage the blood vessels and lead to kidney and heart disease, as well as stroke, over time.

More than 75 million Americans deal with high blood pressure, or one in every three people. Of all the risk factors of this condition, an unhealthy diet is one that you can easily manage. Fruits contain important minerals and antioxidants linked to lower blood pressure levels.

How Are Fruits Good for Blood Pressure?

Some fruits contain magnesium, calcium, and potassium, which all play a role in regulating blood pressure. These mineral elements are essential for fluid balance and may help prevent high blood pressure.

Fruit is also low in sodium, which can make the heart pump blood faster when consumed in large amounts. One piece of fruit has only up to five milligrams (mg) of sodium. Fruit also is rich in antioxidants that help repair damaged arteries.

1. Magnesium

The magnesium in fruit helps dilate blood vessels, dissolve any developing blood clots, and protect against heart muscle and arterial spasms. It also works as an antioxidant.

As the fourth most plentiful mineral within the body, magnesium has been shown in clinical trials to lower blood pressure over three months of use. To be effective, magnesium requires calcium as a complementary agent.

2. Calcium

In addition to assisting magnesium, calcium is needed for promoting the contraction and expansion of the blood vessels. Insufficient amounts can force the arterial walls to narrow, affecting the pressure. Low blood levels of calcium are often replenished by the body extracting calcium from the bones.

Collecting calcium from fruit may help reduce the frequent increases in blood pressure. This natural source of calcium has also been shown not to raise the risk of heart disease, compared to the higher risk offered by the use of calcium supplements found in a study by the University of South Carolina.

3. Potassium

As with calcium and magnesium, potassium is essential to blood pressure management. This mineral helps lessen the constriction of blood vessels, thus lowering high blood pressure.

Potassium is imperative for diminishing the damage and ill-effects of large amounts of sodium intake. Potassium promotes the excretion of sodium through urine output as excess sodium may cause blood pressure to rise.

The interaction of sodium with potassium is also useful to regulate the water balance within the body. This may help to prevent stroke.

It should be noted that too much potassium may be harmful to the kidneys. High blood pressure patients need to regulate potassium intake with the help of their doctor.

The types of fruits to eat to reduce blood pressure will depend on the content of vitamins and minerals.

Which Fruits Are Good for Lowering Blood Pressure?

Fruits High in Potassium

For a healthy lifestyle, the daily recommended amount of potassium is 4,700 mg. Potassium-rich fruits are part of the dietary guidelines for high blood pressure. Potassium helps regulate the pumping of the heart as well as manage sodium levels in the bloodstream.

The required amount of potassium depends on the person’s intake of sodium, metabolism rate, and the types of food consumed. This may explain why there is no particular potassium measurement for meals, but rather a recommended daily value to strive for.

Fruits full of potassium:

Fruits Recommended Daily Potassium Value 
Bananas 12% of RDV/fruit (118 grams)
Apricots 3% of RDV/fruit (35 grams)
Avocados 28% of RDV/fruit (201 grams)
Guavas 7% of RDV/fruit (55 grams)
Passion fruit 2% of RDV/fruit (18 grams)
Kiwis 8% of RDV/fruit (86 grams)
Persimmons 2% of RDV/fruit (25 grams)
Cantaloupes 5% of RDV/fruit (69 grams)
Pomegranates 19% of RDV/fruit (282 grams)
Figs 3% of RDV/fruit (40 grams)
Honeydew melons 8% of RDV/wedge of fruit (125 grams)
Cherries 1% of RDV/fruit (8 grams)
Pumelos 38% of RDV/fruit (609 grams)
Nectarines 8% of RDV/fruit (142 grams)

Fruits High in Magnesium

The recommended amount of magnesium varies based on gender, with women needing between 280 to 300 mg and men requiring a range of 270 to 400 mg.

Magnesium works to release tension within the blood vessels, providing essential movement of the mineral.

Magnesium-rich fruits:

Fruits Recommended Daily Magnesium Value
Dried figs 17% of RDV/fruit (100 grams)
Avocados 7% of RDV/fruit (100 grams)
Guavas 6% of RDV/fruit (100 grams)
Bananas 7% of RDV/fruit (100 grams)
Kiwis 4% of RDV/fruit (100 grams)
Papayas 5% of RDV/fruit (100 grams)
Blackberries 5% of RDV/fruit (100 grams)
Raspberries 6% of RDV/fruit (100 grams)
Cantaloupes 3% of RDV/fruit (100 grams)
Grapefruits 2% of RDV/fruit (100 grams)

Fruits High in Calcium

Calcium’s role in regulating blood pressure is primarily assisting the intake of potassium and magnesium. In terms of the recommended daily values, women over the age of 50 should have 1,200 mg, while men of the same age range require 1,000 to 1,200 mg.

Maintaining the daily recommended daily value of more than 800 mg of calcium has seen a 23% reduction in high blood pressure cases in actual patients.

Fruits rich in calcium:

Fruits Recommended Daily Calcium Value
Kumquats 1% of RDV/fruit (19 grams)
Blackcurrants 3% of RDV/fruit (56 grams)
Oranges 5% of RDV/fruit (131 grams)
Tangerines 3% of RDV/fruit (88 grams)
Figs 1% of RDV/fruit (40 grams)
Kiwis 2% of RDV/fruit (69 grams)
Limes 2% of RDV/fruit (67 grams)
Clementines 2% of RDV/fruit (74 grams)
Blackberries 2% of RDV/fruit (72 grams)
Persimmons 1% of RDV/fruit (25 grams)
Lemons 2% of RDV/fruit (84 grams)
Pink grapefruits 3% of RDV/fruit (123 grams)
Papayas 3% of RDV/fruit (157 grams)
Guavas 1% of RDV/fruit (55 grams)

Fiber-Rich Fruits

Fiber is categorized as soluble, which dissolves in water, or insoluble, which remains unchanged as it travels through the digestive system.

Women require 25 grams daily until the age of 50, when the recommended daily amount drops to 21 grams. Men should ingest 38 grams before the age of 50 and then reduce intake to 30 grams.

While fiber has been the focus of only a handful of clinical studies in relation to lowering high blood pressure, it has been proven to regulate blood pressure.

Studies suggest that meeting the recommended daily value may lower high blood pressure and maintain control of blood pressure levels.

Fruits high in fiber:

Fruits Recommended Daily Fiber Value
Passion fruit 8% of RDV/fruit (18 grams)
Avocados 54% of RDV/fruit (201 grams)
Rasberries 5% of RDV/10pieces (19 grams)
Kumquats 5% of RDV/fruit (19 grams)
Guavas 12% of RDV/fruit (55 grams)
Blackberries 30% of RDV/one cup (144 grams)
Currants 19% of RDV/one cup (112 grams)
Pomegranates 45% of RDV/fruit (282 grams)
Persimmons 24% of RDV/fruit (168 grams)
Pears 22% of RDV/fruit (178 grams)
Kiwis 8% of RDV/fruit (69 grams)
Figs 8% of RDV/large fruit (64 grams)
Bananas 12% of RDV/fruit (118 grams)
Apples 18% of RDV/fruit (182 grams)
Blueberries 14% of RDV/one cup (148 grams)
Oranges 12% of RDV/fruit (131 grams)
Cherries 1% of RDV/fruit (8 grams)
Apricots 3% of RDV/fruit (35 grams)
Strawberries 2% of RDV/fruit (18 grams)
Tangerines 6% of RDV/fruit (88 grams)
Papayas 11% of RDV/small fruit (157 grams)
Pink grapefruit 8% of RDV/one-half fruit (123 grams)
Cantaloupes 20% of RDV/fruit (552 grams)

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common but serious medical condition that can lead to heart disease and stroke. With no significant symptoms, it is known as the silent killer.

As blood pressure changes frequently throughout the day, there are natural ways to try to keep it under control, including with dietary choices.

Many whole fruits have been shown to help lower and control blood pressure levels that may lead to severe health conditions. This is likely due to the ample sources of potassium, calcium, and magnesium found in many raw fruits.

Controlling high blood pressure starts with a proper diet in conjunction with regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

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Article Sources (+)

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“How Potassium Can Help Control High Blood Pressure,” American Heart Association, November 15, 2017; http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HighBloodPressure/MakeChangesThatMatter/How-Potassium-Can-Help-Control-High-Blood-Pressure_UCM_303243_Article.jsp#, last accessed January 2, 2018.
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