Blackstrap Molasses: Top Sugar Substitute for the Holidays

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

Health Benefits of Blackstrap MolassesEvery holiday party I attend seems to have one thing in common: there are sweets and treats everywhere! They are almost impossible to avoid. And most people tend to not stop at just one treat.

Your holiday sugar addiction is the main culprit toward your annual weight gain. It can also contribute to anxiety and depression around the holiday season as well. But what if I told you that there’s a sugar substitute to combat all of that? Blackstrap molasses may be what you’re looking for. In fact, blackstrap molasses, a sugar byproduct, can combat holiday weight gain, relieve constipation, help reduce stress and anxiety, and improve your mood.

I always say that sugar is one of the worst things you can put into your body, and it has virtually zero nutritional value; however, after three rounds of boiling sugar, you get blackstrap molasses—a healthy superfood loaded with nutrients, such as B vitamins (B1, B3, B5, and B6) that help with fatigue, mental health, and immunity. Blackstrap molasses may also help you lose weight, because it helps you absorb fewer calories. The polyphenol antioxidants found in blackstrap molasses also help your body break down fat deposits.

This sugar substitute contains several important minerals for your health—manganese, magnesium, potassium, selenium, iron, and calcium! It’s not surprising that blackstrap molasses helps treat and prevent degenerative diseases, including cancer.

Could Blackstrap Molasses Fight Cancer?

In a 2003 report published in the Journal of Carcinogenesis, researchers suggested that blackstrap molasses may help in cancer prevention and treatment.

Why would blackstrap molasses be a good food source for those fighting cancer? Deficiencies in vitamin B complex, zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium, and selenium are common among cancer patients, and blackstrap is an essential source of those cancer-fighting nutrients. The high amounts of omega-6 can also help reduce tumors.

The authors of the study also hypothesized resupplying critical nutrients to cancer patients with a nutritional supplement that included blackstrap molasses. Other ingredients in the anti-cancer cocktail included rose oil, folic acid, vitamin B12, sulfur, quinine, apple cider vinegar, and molecular iodine. During the time of the report, the supplement was being tested with stage III–IV cancer patients.

Other Health Benefits of Blackstrap Molasses

Because blackstrap molasses also has a low glycemic index of 55, this sugar substitute can stabilize your blood sugar by reducing the metabolism of carbohydrates and glucose. Blackstrap molasses can also help combat gray hair, clear wounds, and soothe skin disorders, such as eczema.

How to Use Blackstrap Molasses

How do you use blackstrap molasses within your diet? I add the superfood to cookies, breads, cakes, and savory sauces. It also can be added to stews, roasts, and other meals and desserts as well. It is a guilt-free sweetener substitute that benefits your health rather than depletes it.

Blackstrap molasses can make a perfect sugar replacement; however, you can also use blackstrap molasses daily as a supplement by mixing one to two tablespoons in a boiling cup of water. After it has dissolved, it is best to drink it through a straw to avoid the blackstrap molasses getting stuck in your teeth.

Where to Find Blackstrap Molasses?

You can find it at your local health food store, but make sure it is unsulfured and organic before you purchase it.

Tip: Blackstrap molasses baked good recipes may also call for sugar. There are several other options you can use, though, in place of sugar. See: Three Healthy Sugar/Sweetener Replacements for Holiday Baking

Sources for Today’s Article:
“11 Reasons to Add this Sugar Byproduct and Superfood to Your Diet,” The Alternative Daily website, October 31, 2014;
Grandics, P., “Cancer: a single disease with a multitude of manifestations,” Journal of Carcinogenesis November 18, 2003; 2: 9, doi: 10.1186/1477-3163-2-9.
Ravensthorpe, M., “The health benefits of blackstrap molasses,” Natural News website, November 6, 2013;, last accessed December 19, 14.