The secret to healthy aging? Ninety-six-year-old Charles Eugster credits his diet and exercise regimen for the past nine years. He is living proof that healthy aging, anti-aging—and even reverse aging—is a real thing.
Eugster, a 96-year-old English man, is still competing in marathons, bodybuilding, and living a lifestyle most people would associate with a 30-year-old. Aside from his athletic and physical accomplishments, Eugster is also a writer, entrepreneur, wakeboarder, rower, and fashion designer.
And he’s not alone—he competes in sprints and marathons against 90-year-old Germans, 99-year-old Italians and 105-year-old Japanese men. Do you know anyone who is capable of such feats at that age?
Healthy Aging: It Starts With Lifestyle Changes
At the ripe young age of 87, Eugster was starting to feel like his body was deteriorating. He told Vice News he had a muffin-top belly and was feeling increasingly weak. He was feeling old and wasn’t happy about it, so he went to a gym, hired a trainer with great credentials, and made some lifestyle changes.
He credits his diet and exercise regimen for the past nine years for making him feel almost 40 years younger, increasing his libido, and eliminating common illnesses such as colds. In a recent interview, he said he got annual November colds until he was 90, but since then he’s only had two colds in total.
What’s important to realize is that Eugster is not doing anything you can’t. Remember, he didn’t start bodybuilding until he was 87. All he did was take the initiative to lead a healthier life, and it’s paying massive dividends. It can for you too:
- Protein shakes: His diet includes protein shakes and plenty of meat. Getting enough protein to maintain and repair muscle tissue is very important as you age, because your body doesn’t incorporate protein as well as it used to. Your requirements go up, so a protein shake every morning is highly recommended. Meat is also a great source of protein.
- Eat (healthy) fats: Naturally occurring healthy fats will also help build muscle and keep hormones high. You don’t want to incorporate unhealthy fats into your diet from fried foods, but healthy fats from natural sources such as meat, dairy, nuts, olive oil, avocado, and nut butters all have benefits. Veggies also play a key role in the diet.
- Eliminate processed foods: He also cut out sugar and processed foods, and likely eliminated fried foods. Carbohydrates are also limited, but when they are consumed you can bet they come in the form of whole fruits, whole grains, and other complex carbohydrate sources.
- Exercise: An exercise routine also plays a key role in keeping people young in a variety of ways. It builds and retains muscle, improves heart health and immunity, and helps with libido. Including both weight training and cardio is the best mix for anti-aging results.
You’re Never Too Old…
You’re never too old to make healthy lifestyle changes to improve your life—just look at Charles Eugster. All you’ve got to do to stop the aging process is imagine the possibilities and take action!
Sources for Today’s Article:
Blake, M., “The Healthiest Old Person on the Planet Explains How to Stay in Shape,” Vice News web site, April 11, 2016;, last accessed April 13, 2016.
Penhollow, T.M. et al., “Sexual Desirability and Sexual Performance: Does Exercise and Fitness Really Matter?” Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, Volume 7, October 5, 2004;, last accessed April 13, 2016.
Dwyer, A. A., et al., “ Lifestyle Modification Can Reverse Hypogonadism in Men with Impaired Glucose Tolerance in the Diabetes Prevention Program,” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2005;90:2636;, last accessed April 13, 2016.
“Increase sex drive: study finds men can boost libido with exercise,” Huffington Post web site, June 27, 2012;, last accessed April 13, 2016.