Homeopathic Anacardium: Facts, Health Benefits, and Uses

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AnacardiumThere are many homeopathic remedies made from medicinal herbs and substances, including aloe, arnica, and barberry. Interestingly, the homeopathic remedy anacardium isn’t derived from a typical substance used in mainstream medicine.

Homeopathic anacardium is made from Anacardium orientale or Semecarpus anacardium. It is also called the marking nut. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is used to balance the Kapha dosha, improve digestion, and promote sexual power and increased sperm count. It is also used for memory loss, paralysis, and spasms.

When made into a homeopathic remedy, anacardium is similarly used for mental illness like depression, as well as low self-esteem, chest pain, skin conditions, and digestive problems. Read on to discover more about homeopathic anacardium and its various health benefits and uses.

Facts and History of Anacardium

The marking nut is native to India, Malaysia, and Indonesia, and it is often found from the outer Himalayas to the Coromandel Coast. It is also part of the Anacardiaceae family, which is a close relative to the cashew nut. The anacardium is known as Bhallaatak in India.

The Europeans called it marking nut, since washermen used it to mark cloth and clothing before washing it. The nut produces a milky juice that turns black when exposed to air. As a result, the juice will combine with chalk to form ink that can mark patterns on fabric.

The Latin name of the deciduous shrub is taken from the ancient Greek word kardia, which translates as “heart,” and it is inspired from the plant’s shiny black and heart-shaped nut. Other names for the marking nut include jeedi ginja, bibba, and gudde geeru.

In homeopathy, anacardium works very differently. It is prepared from the ripe dried fruit derived from the shrub, and it is macerated in alcohol for a minimum of five days. It is then filtered and diluted repeatedly, and succussed until the homeopathic remedy at the desired potency is the final result. Homeopathy founder Dr. Samuel Hahnemann proven the homeopathic anacardium in 1835, and it is often prescribed for both physical and psychological disorders.

How Homeopathic Anacardium Treats Depression and Psychological Issues

The traditional use of homeopathic anacardium is to treat a disturbed psychological state and memory problems. The person will experience inner conflict that may provoke behavior that is considered cruel, cold-hearted, and violent, along with compulsive urges to curse. The person also has an exaggerated affection toward a person or pet that may be followed by violence or cruelty.

Homeopathic anacardium is also characteristic of extremely poor memory, general absentmindedness, and a lack of concentration, especially during times of stress like studying for an exam. In extreme cases, symptoms may be linked with mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, depression, or manic depression.

A prospective, randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, eight-week, single-center study published in the journal Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine in 2011 showed that individualized homeopathic treatment such as anacardium is effective for acute depression. For the study, moderate to severe depression patients were assigned to receive 20 milligrams daily of the antidepressant fluoxetine or individualized homeopathic medicine.

The study would illustrate the viability of randomized, controlled double-blind trials of homeopathy in depression, while indicating the strength of individualized homeopathic Q-potencies when compared to fluoxetine in the treatment of moderate to severe depression. There were 20 homeopathic medicines used to treat 48 patients randomized in the homeopathy group, and the remedies were given to match the symptoms of the patients. Among the other remedies used in the study would include alumina, arsenicum album, baryta carbonica, graphites, hepar sulphuris, sepia, and phosphorus.

Homeopathic Profile and Other Uses and Health Benefits of Anacardium

In homeopathy, the remedy profile is significant factor for determining whether homeopathic anacardium is the right fit for your symptoms. The homeopathic profile of anacardium describes the remedy as appropriate for people that experience a conflict of will or are trapped between extremes of good and evil. This can sometimes be described as “an angel sitting on one shoulder, and a demon on the other.” This is why the anacardium profile type is often prone to low self-esteem, and they may exhibit angry or cruel behavior. The person may also experience dream-like states or suspect they are being pursued.

What are other health benefits of anacardium? Low esteem is a major health problem where anacardium is required. Homeopathic anacardium is also used for various physical symptoms, such as minor chest pain, skin problems, and constricted pain in the anus or stomach region. The following is a brief summary of how homeopathic anacardium is useful for chest pain, digestive disorders, skin conditions, and low self-esteem.

1. Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem is associated with self-doubt, self-criticism, shame, social isolation, and suppressed anger, and it is a symptom of several mental health problems like depression and anxiety. Anacardium is used for feelings of low self-confidence irresolution, and unworthiness. The person may have an inferiority complex due to an inner conflict of will. Depending on the person’s mental state, there may be ongoing or infrequent self-abuse involved. The person may also have prior experience with oppression, violence, abuse, or humiliation. Symptoms worsen from stress, mental exertion, fright, or humiliation, while eating or hot baths improve symptoms.

2. Skin Conditions

Anacardium will treat skin conditions like warts, eczema, and possibly blistered skin patches that often appear on the forearms that cause intense burning and itching. Sensitive skin is a feature when anacardium is needed. Scratching the affected skin and stress will worsen symptoms; however, symptoms improve when applying very hot water to the skin.

3. Digestive Disorders

Anacardium is often recommended for digestive disorders and related symptoms, including indigestion, hemorrhoids, and constipation with a painful constricted feeling in the anus or stomach. The pain may end after eating, but it resumes around a few hours later. Other triggers for worsening symptoms include the time of day (midnight specifically) or a hot bath or compress.

4. Chest Pain

Chest pain is a symptom of heart-related problems, including a heart attack or angina. On the other hand, it may also be caused by acid reflux or heartburn, bruised or broken ribs, or lung-related conditions like pneumonia. Anacardium is a remedy of choice when there is a sharp pain near the heart, along with chest pressure. The person may feel as though their chest pain is weighed down, which leads to an uncomfortable chest sensation that possibly involves palpitations. Symptoms will worsen a few hours after eating, but they improve from inhaling fresh air outdoors.

Final Thoughts on Homeopathic Anacardium

Where can you get homeopathic anacardium? It can be purchased online or at the supplement section of the health food store. You will find it in liquid or pellet form. It is also possible to acquire homeopathic anacardium from your homeopath, if they feel the remedy is best for you based on your physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. Your homeopath likely will have the remedy you need on hand to help treat your health conditions.

As mentioned, homeopathic anacardium is used for depression and psychological problems, low self-esteem, chest pain, digestive issues, and skin conditions. Your homeopath will suggest the right dosage and remedy potency, and whether it is necessary to change or dosage or remedy during your follow-up and subsequent visits.

Sources :
“Anacardium Orientale,” Home Remedy Central; http://www.homeremedycentral.com/en/homeopathic-remedies/homeopathy/anacord-or.html, last accessed July 5, 2017.
“Homeopathy Anacard. Or. Marking Nut Tree,” herbs2000.com; http://www.herbs2000.com/homeopathy/anacard_or.htm, last accessed July 5, 2017.