Copper is a chemical element featured on the periodic table. It is a malleable metal with high thermal and electrical conductivity used to make jewelry, sterling silver, and certain coins.
Copper is also a mineral found in foods like leafy greens, asparagus, and cashews. As a result, dietary copper can benefit the nervous system, thyroid gland, bone and joint health, and much more. Copper is also a homeopathic remedy known as cuprum metallicum.
There are many health benefits of homeopathic copper. It is used for several conditions, including cramps, spasms, epilepsy, convulsions, respiratory problems, exhaustion, and abdominal cramps.
Read on to learn more about homeopathic copper, and its many uses and health benefits.
Facts and History of Cuprum Metallicum
Homeopathic cuprum metallicum is made from the chemical element of copper. The name copper comes from the Greek word Kupris or Cyprus, which is the island where the ancient Greeks found the metal. At the time, copper was called “Cyprium,” and the name was later changed to “Cuprum.”
Long ago copper was used as a balm for medicinal purposes. The ancient cultures and alchemists praised copper for the inner qualities of Venus or Aphrodite, including procreation, sexual desire, creativity, beauty, and love. Copper is attractive to the eyes with its reddish-orange hue, and is traditionally worn as a talisman for protection against cholera, and easing the pain and stiffness of arthritis.
Although doctors used copper to treat wounds as late as the 1880s, coppersmiths noticed the toxic effects of chronic copper poisoning. Many coppersmiths suffered chronic copper poisoning symptoms, including malnutrition, coughing, diarrhea, and spastic pain in the bowels or abdomen. Acute copper poisoning also causes paralysis, seizures or convulsions, and even death.
Copper poisoning symptoms present a perfect example of the homeopathic principle, “like cures like.” Cuprum metallicum comes from the metal copper. It is triturated with lactose sugar and repeatedly grounded into a fine powder. Once the powder is fine enough to become soluble in water, it is filtered, diluted, and succussed. The result is the homeopathic remedy cuprum metallicum, which homeopathy founder Dr. Samuel Hahnemann proved to work in 1834. Dr. Hahnemann discovered that homeopathic cuprum metallicum treats copper poisoning problems, as well as respiratory and nervous system disorders.
How Homeopathic Copper Treats Cramps and Spasms
Homeopathic cuprum metallicum is well known to treat cramps and spasms. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine in 2014 identified cuprum metallicum as an effective remedy for multiple sclerosis symptoms such as cramping and spasms.
Cuprum metallicum is used for all types of muscle cramping, which may affect the legs, toes, fingers, ankles, calves, and the soles of the feet. The knees may also involuntarily bend when walking. It also helps treat emotional symptoms associated with cramps and spasms like fearfulness and violent tearfulness.
Symptoms will worsen from movement, applying light pressure to the affected area, and during sex, but they improve from perspiration, consuming cold drinks, and applying pressure to the affected area.
In most cases, the muscle cramps will occur at night and likely start with a jerking or shuddering sensation. The muscle cramping or spasms may also occur during pregnancy or after childbirth. Cuprum metallicum is also used for spasms associated with the painful menstruation condition called dysmenorrhea.
Homeopathic Profile, Other Uses, and Health Benefits
In homeopathy, there is something called a remedy profile. It is a great indicator that determines whether a remedy like cuprum metallicum is the best fit for you. Individuals that belong to the cuprum metallicum category have a tendency for mood swings and always think critically. At the same time, the person’s emotions are both intense and rigidly suppressed.
For instance, when they are angry, they withdraw from the surroundings and become silent; but in intense situations, they can become very violent. Children classified as cuprum metallicum will usually have temper tantrums, but when they are sick, they are quiet and withdrawn. Adolescents may suppress their sexual urges as being too strong to cope, and later in life, pent up tension is released in an extreme way.
Cuprum metallicum is also used for physical symptoms including a pale, drawn face with blue lips, and cold hands and feet. The symptoms may be violent or become worse if menstruation is late, or if bodily discharges are suppressed from getting wet, being chilled, or from medication.
What are the other health benefits of cuprum metallicum? Besides cramps and spasms, homeopathic copper is also used for related nervous system problems, such as convulsions and epilepsy. It is also used for digestive problems, respiratory problems, and exhaustion.
Let’s take a further look at the health benefits of cuprum metallicum.
1. Convulsions and Epilepsy
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes convulsions or seizures due to short bursts of intense electrical energy in the brain. Cuprum metallicum is the recommended remedy for convulsions and muscle spasms linked with violent epileptic episodes. The spasms will begin in the fingers and toes, before spreading to the center of the body. There may also be perspiration and rashes on the feet that worsen through suppression like chilling the feet.
Symptoms also worsen from suppressing emotions, as well as from touch, hot weather, and at night. However, general perspiration and the consumption of cold drinks will improve symptoms.
2. Respiratory Disorders
Cuprum metallicum is a useful homeopathic remedy for all sorts of respiratory problems, including whooping cough and asthma. The remedy is used for long, spasmodic, and violent coughing fits that may have an association with whooping cough. The person’s breathing is rapid, labored, and may seem to stop during coughing fits.
Cuprum metallicum is also the remedy of choice for sudden asthma at night that has a link with nausea and vomiting. The person may even suffocate and turn blue. Other characteristics include blue lips, a pale face, and a metallic taste in their mouth. The asthma may also occur due to emotions or suppressed eruptions.
3. Exhaustion
Cuprum metallicum is a good remedy for exhaustion that may occur from an illness, lack of sleep, or exhausting mental strain. The remedy is extremely helpful for people with intense fatigue or exhaustion due to an overactive mind or physical exertion. As a result, cuprum metallicum can help treat insomnia or sleeplessness due to fatigue. Also, the person’s exhaustion may result from vomiting or abdominal cramps.
Cuprum metallicum not only effectively treats exhaustion, but it also relieves its associated symptoms. The person may also experience headaches or cramping between the eyes. Symptoms will worsen from emotional stress, suppressing sweet foods, or during pregnancy.
4. Abdominal Cramps
Cuprum metallicum provides relief from symptoms associated with abdominal cramps, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The person may have a loss of appetite, a metallic taste in their mouth, and will even find it difficult to swallow anything. They will also have a hot, sore, and tender abdomen. Also, a gurgling sound from drinking may occur from a spasm in the esophagus.
Symptoms improve from cold drinks but will worsen from suppressed emotions, vomiting, touch, and hot weather.
Final Thoughts on Homeopathic Copper
Where can you find homeopathic copper? Cuprum metallicum can be purchased online or at the supplement section of the health food store. The remedy will come in pellet or liquid form.
You can also get homeopathic copper from your homeopath if they feel the remedy is best for you based on your emotional, mental, and physical symptom picture. Your homeopath will likely have cuprum metallicum on hand to help treat the health problems you came with them to treat.
As mentioned, homeopathic copper is used for cramps and spasms, convulsions and epilepsy, respiratory disorders, abdominal cramps, and exhaustion.
One cautionary note of cuprum metallicum is that prolonged usage is thought to produce side effects like weepiness, depression, stubbornness, and mood swings. Your homeopath will suggest the right remedy potency and dosage. They will also tell you when to change the dosage or remedy during follow-up appointments.
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“Cuprum metallicum,” British Homeopathic Association;, last accessed July 13, 2017.
“Homeopathy Cuprum met. Copper,” Herbs2000;, last accessed July 13, 2017.
“Cuprum Metallicum,” Home Remedy Central;, last accessed July 13, 2017.