While potentially quite embarrassing, and not exactly a topic for dinner conversation, flatulence is a part of life. Not surprisingly, homeopathy has developed some methods to fight problem flatulence.
Most of the time, excess gas in your stomach or intestines happens when your digestive system is not quite in sync. But it could be a result of eating foods that form gas in your digestive tract—including many members of the legume family, which is why beans have a bad reputation when it comes to flatulence.
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Chewing any food thoroughly will help break it down, and reduce the likelihood of flatulence. If it’s a real problem, note which foods seem to trigger it, and cut down on them, or eliminate them from your diet.
Here are your top homeopathic remedies for Flatulence:
1. Carbo Vegetabilis: If you find that bloating accompanies flatulence soon after any meal, carbo vegetabilis could help. If the release of gas, including belching, helps relieve that bloated feeling, your stomach rumbles, you suffer diarrhea, and you crave fresh air, carbo vegetabilis is regarded as a suitable treatment. It is a good remedy for foul-smelling flatulence. Carbo vegetabilis is made from beech wood, which has the capacity to absorb gasses. The theory behind carbo vegetabilis is that it can help absorb excess gas in the stomach.
2. Lycopodium: This healer is also good for a bloated and rumbling stomach. If there is pain associated with flatulence, particularly when you wear clothes that are tight over the belly, and that discomfort is relieved momentarily by either belching or passing gas, lycopodium could help. It is particularly meant for people who have problems digesting onions, cabbage, wheat, and oysters, or get a sour taste in their mouths after eating. The belief is that lycopodium may help coat foods that trigger flatulence, thus limiting that effect.
3. China officinalis: This is a remedy good at extracting any gas trapped in your stomach. It is advised for patients who have distant rumbling in their stomachs, and whose flatulence is accompanied by cramping. Unlike the previous two remedies, China officinalis is better if passing gas or belching do not relieve discomfort. Aggravating foods include beer, milk, fatty items, and citrus fruit.
4. Peppermint, Caraway, Fennel: A combination of these three “carminatives” (gas relievers) has been shown in two German double-blind trial to reduce gas and cramping associated with indigestion the late 1990s. Mix three to five drops of essential oils from these herbs, taken with water a few times a day works well. Or, try grinding the seeds of fennel and caraway and the leaves of peppermint into a tea. Take it before eating.
Sources for Today’s Articles:
Homeopathy Has Ways to Deal with Problem Flatulence
Phytomedicine 1996; 2: 285–91.