Teeth have to withstand a spectrum of stains each week. It can be a challenge to keep them looking their best. Food, drink, smoking, pharmaceuticals, genetics, injury and various health conditions can all cause them to lose their color. So, how can you keep them white?
Well, first off, it does not begin and end with teeth-whitening products. In fact, medical science still has yet to formally prove if these products have long-lasting effects or not. We do know that strips with 5.5% to 6.5% hydrogen peroxide are more effective than gels with 10% carbamide peroxide. So that is one thing to note.
There are many things you can do yourself to prevent stains. Obviously, cleaning your teeth is a big deal, but it should really be done after every meal. Brushing and flossing after eating will considerably cut the risk of any stain sneaking in. One interesting idea, if you are up for it, is to mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide and make a paste out of it. Brushed onto a stain, it could restore your teeth to white. (Be careful with the peroxide, as too much will cause a burning sensation.)
Rinsing is important. After you eat, rinse your mouth out, which will pull small bits of food that are clinging to teeth. If need be, use a glass of water for this and swallow the mouthful. And, if you’re feeling experimental, you can rinse with a special “disclosing” solution that will show you where any plaque remains after brushing. Incredibly, the spots it reveals are those that will eventually become stained if you don’t improve on brushing. Lastly, on the rinsing bit, choose an antibacterial mouthwash, because it will limit help plaque.
Electric toothbrushes are being increasingly credited with more effectively removing plaque from your tooth. They are likely a good investment and, as a plus, are effortless. Whatever you do, don’t scrub your teeth excessively hard when you brush. In fact, it’s advisable not to use a hard brush at all, as the bristles can wear on your enamel. Check any aggression at the door of your bathroom.
Finally, try making some dietary changes if your diet is influencing the color of your teeth. Cutting down on coffee and possibly giving up cola altogether are good places to start. If you smoke, quitting for the sake of your teeth is not as important as for other reasons. Visit the dentist twice a year, and if your teeth are discolored when they shouldn’t be, inform them when you go.