Olive Oil for Skin: Benefits and How to Use

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olive oil in a bowlGrab that bottle of olive oil on your cupboard shelf and place it in the bathroom. You will need it there after reading our olive oil benefits for skin health. It’s not just for cooking anymore. We will explore benefits of olive oil for skin. Its antioxidants are being promoted by specialists and patients from across the world as an amazing olive oil skin health tool.

Olive oil originates from the Mediterranean-region olive tree. Created by the pressing of olives, the oil naturally contains healthy fatty acids. There are different varieties such as extra virgin, virgin, and regular olive oil. Studies show that the most effective for health benefits is that of extra virgin olive oil. It is used in the cooking process, foods, pharmaceuticals, soaps, and cosmetics. Olive oil has been used for centuries as a beauty routine to improve skin condition.

Olive Oil Benefits for Skin Health

Our skin responds well to diets rich in healthy fat sources such as olive oil. Such diets protect the skin from ultraviolent light damage from the sun, toxic substances, and food allergies. The properties found in antioxidants and vitamin E fight infections and hormone imbalances, hydrates skin cells, and promotes healing. The following list breaks down olive oil benefits for skin.

1. Antioxidant Protection

Vitamin E has anti-aging benefits by restoring damaged skin cells and preventing damaging ultraviolet light from penetrating the skin layers. Polyphenols also protect the skin cells and help control the ageing process. Phytosterols also act as an antioxidant and promotes the production of collagen, which naturally decreases as we age.

2. Moisturizes

The properties of olive oil do not clog your pores as many moisturizers you find on store shelves may. Penetrating deep within your skins layers, the oil provides protection from free radicals while cleansing the skin cells. The combination of vitamin A and vitamin E in olive oil repairs cells from harmful environmental factors.

3. Exfoliates

Antioxidants in olive oil can reach deep into the pores to help remove dead skin cells, dirt, and even blackheads. It can treat and prevent returning acne as it removes excess oil on the face.

4. Beauty Booster

As an ingredient in DIY facial masks and as a makeup remover, olive oil has earned its place on the vanity stands of women and men worldwide. It’s also used by many as a substitute for shaving cream, as it stimulates the hair follicles for a close shave. Its moisturizing effect is perfect for smoothing the shaved areas.

How to Use Olive Oil for Better Skin

To get the benefits of a clear complexion, slow down the ageing process, and maintain elasticity, it’s important to know how to use olive oil.

  • Exfoliate your tired skin with an extra virgin olive oil and sea salt mixture. Mix one teaspoon of oil with the natural salt and massage gently on your face. This will remove dead skin cells and rejuvenate your complexion. Sensitive skin can also benefit with the use of sugar rather than sea salt.
  • Remove makeup from around the eyes with a few drops of olive oil on a cotton ball. With a gentle touch, slowly draw the ball across your lids for softer skin and to help prevent wrinkles.
  • Moisturize dry or flaky skin with organic olive oil. Use in or after bath for amazingly soft, smooth skin. You can also replace your night moisturizer with olive oil by rubbing one teaspoon on the face and neck. It’s also a wonderful way to soothe dry, chapped lips.
  • Soften rough cuticles around nails by soaking your nailbeds in a bowl of olive oil for a few minutes.
  • Cleanse your pores to get rid of dirt, pollutants, and blackheads by combining equal parts of olive oil and castor oil. Rub onto face and rinse with a warm cloth to give it a mini steam facial.

How to Buy Natural Olive Oil

Not all olive oils are the same, despite the name. There are more than 700 different types and it’s important to know exactly what to look for when purchasing the oil.

  • Olive oil in a dark-tinted bottle is the best as it needs to be protected from light sources. Avoid plastic containers and store in a cool, dark cupboard.
  • Labels should specify extra virgin olive oil, as this oil is the least processed and provides maximum benefits. Avoid labels that state first-cold pressed, as this process is outdated and not regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration or the United States Department of Agriculture.
  • Best before dates are important to note as unlike wine, olive oil does not get better with age. It should not be more than two years old from the time of harvest.
  • The brand of olive oil does matter, as the best quality bottle will have the name of the estate. Look for an official stamp or seal from the region.

Olive oil is also a useful tool in the treatment of the skin during radiation therapy, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center web site. Patients are encouraged to use it as a healthy cooking oil. The web site also suggests high-calorie and high-protein meals using olive oil as a cooking oil, helps to speed healing in burn patients.

Some reports of various sources claim olive oil combined with honey and beeswax treats skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Upon researching this treatment, we found WebMD reports “more evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of olive oil for these uses.”

Olive oil is recommended to be used as a substitute for cooking oil for its health benefits. Its antioxidants properties reach farther than just in the kitchen as it is a wonderful skin health tool. Remember to purchase extra virgin olive oil for the most beneficial uses. Try it tonight as a beauty tool to remove makeup and give yourself a DIY facial. Your skin will thank you.


Group, E., “Benefits of Olive Oil for Skin,” Global Healing Center, January 26, 2015; http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/benefits-of-olive-oil-for-skin/, last accessed February 13, 2017.
Van Wyden, G., “Benefits of Using Extra Virgin Olive Oil on the Face,” LIVESTRONG.COM, January 28, 2014; http://www.livestrong.com/article/122517-benefits-using-extra-virgin-olive/, last accessed February 13, 2017.
“Skin Wrinkles and Blemishes,” University of Maryland Medical Center; http://umm.edu/health/medical/reports/articles/skin-wrinkles-and-blemishes, last accessed February 13, 2017.
“Radiation damage,” University of Maryland Medical Center; http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/condition/radiation-damage, last accessed February 13, 2017.
“Burns,” University of Maryland Medical Center; http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/condition/burns, last accessed February 13, 2017.
“OLIVE,” Web MD; http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-233-olive.aspx?activeingredientid=233&activeingredientname=olive, last accessed February 13, 2017.
“Olive Oil for Skin,” Just-Health.net web site; http://www.just-health.net/Olive-Oil-For-Skin.html, last accessed February 13, 2017.
“Olive-Oil Buying Checklist,” Real Simple web site; http://www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/shopping-storing/more-shopping-storing/olive-oil-buying-checklist, last accessed February 14, 2017.