One fruit is gaining a lot of recognition in the world of medicine these days: the pomegranate. It’s no coincidence that pomegranate juice sales are rising exponentially in supermarkets across the country. The seeds of this unique fruit are absolutely jammed with antioxidants, making the pomegranate possibly the most concentrated antioxidant food ever. Plus, a new study is out with more good news to heap onto the pile.
California researchers have found that juice from pomegranates may be an effective tool for battling prostate cancer. They looked at 50 men who had the most aggressive form of prostate cancer. All had gone through surgery or radiation, but their levels of prostate-specific antigens (PSA) increased thereafter, which is an indication that the disease has remained. The men’s PSA levels were quickly doubling, which translates into a fast-growing cancer. The faster they double, the less likely it is that the patient will survive the cancer.
So, in this rather dire situation, the men drank one glass (eight oz) of pomegranate juice a day. Almost right away, their condition started improving. They went from a situation where PSA levels were doubling in 15 months, to one where they were doubling in 54 months. This means the juice dramatically slowed down the rate at which PSA levels were rising, and thus created a much better possibility that each man would survive the cancer.
Although preliminary, the study raises hopes that prostate cancer may be treated naturally with pomegranate. More research is needed. In the meantime, here’s a little more information about the fruit. Pomegranates are rich in anti- inflammatories and have been used medicinally for centuries. Researchers have also found evidence that they can help with cardiovascular disease.
Take a knife down the center of the fruit, splitting it open, and you’ll find a fruit like no other. It’s filled with small red seeds, about the size of corn kernels, which are housed inside white membrane tissue. Each seed is found within a little sac within the tissue. The seeds are the only part of the fruit you’ll eat and the juice is made from them. Pop a seed in your mouth and you’ll immediately understand the potency of the pomegranate.
It contains no saturated fat or cholesterol, instead giving you 10% of your recommended daily amount of potassium, 40% of your vitamin C, and 8% of your iron. Also, the fruit contains particularly high levels of three different polyphenols — nutrients that are potent antioxidants. It is these — tannins, anthocyanins, and ellagic acid — in combination with the high level of vitamin C that makes experts believe that this fruit keeps your arteries free of buildup and thus keeps your heart safe.
Blocked arteries, prostate cancer, and even menopause are three areas that this fruit is being increasingly proven to work. It shouldn’t be ignored any longer.