According to a new study published in Sociology of Health and Illness, not enough support is being offered to released offenders to prevent suicide and drug abuse.
Researchers interviewed 35 male offenders ranging from the ages of 18 to 52. Participants were interviewed in a semi-structured format that took place one week prior to being released from prison and then six weeks after release.
Each participant had reported recent personal problems and over half of the group—18 out of 35 participants—had attempted suicide at least once in their lives. Those individuals were placed into two categories: Participants who attempted suicide once and participants who attempted suicide multiple times.
Researchers discovered that participants who had attempted suicide multiple times felt less in control of their situations while participants who had only attempted suicide once used more violent methods that could result in a fatality.
Study authors conclude that there should be primary and secondary health care support, as well as support coming from drug and health care professionals.
Professor Richard Byng, from the University of Plymouth Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, notes: “Care for those at risk of suicide will require not only a full assessment of risks and their needs, but also an acute understanding of where an individual is on the pathway to suicide. Our study suggests that there is a group of high-risk individuals with no previous attempt at suicide for whom identification and engagement is critical.”
Source for Today’s Article:
Lam, P., “Better support for released offenders may reduce suicide risk,” Medical News Today web site, August 10, 2015;