Psoriasis is an inflammatory condition of the skin caused by a faulty immune system. Many of us are no stranger to its red, itchy rash, unfortunately. If you are still searching for a natural remedy for psoriasis, we’ve assembled the top secrets from Chinese medicine for you to consider.
PLUS: A New Psoriasis Prevention Tip
1. Xiao Yin Pian: This herbal combination containing 12 different plants is considered the best Chinese cure for psoriasis. It has shown to have effects in reducing allergies and asthma — both linked to an inflammatory response in the body, much like psoriasis. In a study of 200 patients with the skin disease, Xiao Yin Pian treated 48% of them fully, improved symptoms in 38%, and failed to work in only 17% of patients. Its total effectiveness rate is 83%. Patients recovered from psoriasis in an average of two months.
2. Yin Xiao San: In 200 psoriasis patients, researchers tested 7.5 grams of this herbal combination, three times a day. After 30 days of treatment, 70 patients fully recovered, 62 improved significantly, 36 improved moderately, and 20 had mild improvements, leaving just 12 experiencing no response. This total effectiveness rate shines at 94%.
3. Tu Huai Yin: This 11-herb formula was given in liquid form; a decoction of 600 ml once a day. After 15 days, it was mixed it with other herbs and participants washed their affected skin areas for an hour every night. After 15 to 60 days of treatment, 46 people watched their psoriasis disappear, and 12 had symptoms improve. Seek out a practitioner for this specialty treatment.
4. Tui Yin Tang: This herbal mix led to full recovery in 49 patients and significant improvements in 43, with only four people unresponsive.
5. Acupuncture: In one study, good ol’ fashioned acupuncture was effective for 115 people with psoriasis. The treatment lasted between one and two months. Twenty-five fully recovered, 54 had major improvements, 19 experienced moderate improvements, and 17 didn’t respond.