It’s always so encouraging to discover ways all of us can fight cancer ourselves. No need for the folks in white lab coats. Here’s another great story to add to the health breakthroughs, this time on prostate cancer. If you keep a low-fat diet and take fish oil supplements, you can slow the growth of this fatal tumor.
The study found that a low-fat diet with fish oil supplements taken four to six weeks prior to prostate removal slowed down the growth of prostate cancer cells compared to a traditional Western diet.
Done out of UCLA, the study also found that men on the low-fat, fish-oil-supplement diet were able to change the membranes of both healthy and cancerous cells in the prostate. The boost of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil and lower levels of omega-6 fats from corn oil may have directly affected the biology of the cells. On that point, further studies are needed.
This particular diet reduced the number of rapidly dividing cells in the prostate cancer tissue. If they divide less, they have less chance to spread. The researchers believe this further helps show that you are what you eat. On the cancer fight front, you can alter your diet and actually affect the biology of prostate cancer. And slow its progression.
In this study, the diets were carefully controlled, so accurate results could be gleaned. The Western diet consisted of 40% of calories from fat; pretty normal for most Americans. The fat sources also were typical, including high levels of omega-6s from corn oil and low levels of fish oil and omega-3s.
The low-fat diet consisted of 15% of calories from fat. The men here also took five grams of fish oil per day in five capsules — three at breakfast, two at dinner. Omega-3 fats have been found to help prevent heart disease and fight inflammation, the latter of which is associated with certain cancers.
This diet resulted in a decrease in omega-6 vs. omega-3 fatty acid ratios in the prostate tissue. At the same time, there was a drop in cancerous cells spreading. The results are positive and already the researchers are lining up 100 volunteers to see if their prostate cancers can similarly be affected.
So, fight cancer with what you buy at the supermarket. That includes the supplement aisle.