Bad breath isn’t serious, but it is a frustrating problem. People who have chronically poor breath stress about always having gum, brushing teeth at every opportunity, overpaying for products that promise fresh breath, covering their mouth while they speak…this is no way to live.
Let’s assume that bad breath can be battled back, as in most cases it can. For some people, it is a condition linked to genetics and is more difficult to fight. Here is a quick list of tools you can use to wage a successful campaign against the bacteria in your mouth that don’t smell like spring flowers.
— If you use a conventional toothbrush, try switch to an electric one. It’s easy to brush, they do a better job, and their swirling heads excavate the crevices between your teeth, which is where the bacteria lurk. Often equipped with a timer, they ensure you brush your teeth for the proper length of time.
— Here are two other bathroom ideas. First, remember to floss — it’s not just nitpicking by your dentist’s assistants. It is seriously needed to remove food and grime between your teeth. Bacteria use this food for nourishment. Second, brush your tongue when you brush your teeth. The tongue is a breeding ground for bacteria, so give it a good clean. You can also, if willing, buy tongue cleaners from the pharmacy that will deliver a potent freshness to your mouth.
— Gum could actually work to prevent bad breath, beyond just masking it with minty flavor. Choose the right gum. Sugar-free gum stimulates your salivary glands, which helps keep your mouth moist and not dry — how bad breath occurs. One great ingredient is called “xylitol” and has been proven to prevent periodontal disease, which is tooth decay. Some gums contain ingredients that help re-mineralize teeth. Gum is more than idle time wasting and jaw flapping; it could keep your mouth in working order. And your breath under control.
— Keep your mouth moist and hydrated. The reason morning breath is particularly offensive is that you have been breathing through your mouth all night and it is dry. Saliva is a natural prevention against bacteria. Don’t talk all day. If you are in a talking profession, chew gum (if you can) or eat flavorful lunches that really spark your salivary glands.
— Identify the problem foods you are eating that are the worst offenders. Some, such as garlic, onions, meat, pastrami, coffee, and red wine, are known to trigger bad breath. In their place, eat more fruits and fiber-rich vegetables, which are known to cut down on bad breath.