When you live with persistent back pain, the cause is less important than relief. Sometimes what is going on amid your bones, muscles, joints, and cartilage is quite obvious (recent injury). Sometimes it is chronic pain that must be doctor-diagnosed (osteoarthritis). And other times, it is a mysterious pain, burning sensation, or inflammation that doesn’t seem to have any cause at all.
Possible Back Pain Triggers
Back pain could be the result of a number of things. Here are six possible triggers.
1. Injury: Your back bears the brunt of a lot of heavy stress each day. Muscles in the back get pulled all the time (or “tweaked”). If you have recently pulled something in your back, and experienced pain since that event, then it’s no big secret what caused your ailment.
2. Arthritis: That nagging back pain might unfortunately be caused by arthritis. There are two main diseases here. One is the systemic “rheumatoid arthritis” that has the capacity to spread all through the body (in fact, it could have originated in your hip, and spread to the back). The other is “osteoarthritis,” the most common form of joint pain, perhaps caused by wear-and-tear on your back muscles and joints leading to pain, swelling and stiffness. Osteoporosis of the spine can occur because the discs between spinal bones gradually deteriorate. This may cause both back and neck pain, and much stiffness.
3. Sciatica: If pain is in your back, buttocks, the back of the leg and even the foot, it’s possible you have sciatica. This is caused by compressed spinal nerves, and the leg pain will often be worse than the back pain. It’s not a disease in itself, but rather a symptom of a diagnosis: i.e. a slipped disc has led to sciatica. It’s common because the nerve is the largest in the body, running each side of the spine all the way south to the foot.
4. Fibromyalgia: This mysterious, chronic condition affects millions. It’s known to strike the upper back and you’ll feel pain if pressure is applied. It’s known to cause pain and stiffness for months at a time. Further evidence includes exhaustion, depression or bladder problems.
5. Neuropathy: This type of chronic pain can strike the back, resulting from damage due to changes in the peripheral nerves. If you have severe shooting pain like an electric shock, a deep feeling of cold or hot, persistent tingling and weakness, or pain that’s traveling into the arms, hands and legs as well, you may have neuropathy. People with diabetes or autoimmune diseases are at most risk.
6. Spondylosis: This condition might cause back pain, as it involves a defect in the spine. If your back pain occasionally flares up with certain motions, this may be the cause.