Homeopathic remedies can be derived from almost anywhere—even from the food you eat. Plants make up around 60% of the Homeopathic Materia Medica, and some of those come from food sources.
The plant category includes herbs, trees, and even poisonous plants. However, the food from your plate is used as well. This article explores a variety of foods you’ll likely find in the kitchen, that double as homeopathic remedies.
10 Healing Foods Made into Homeopathic Remedies
Hippocrates was ahead of his time when he said, “Let found be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” In other words, “food is medicine.” For thousands of years, traditional systems of healing have viewed food as medicine, and a valuable tool for protecting your health and treating various health conditions.
A healing diet with medicinal foods will reduce and control inflammation, balance hormones and blood sugar, and alkalize the body overall. It also improves the absorption of nutrients and detoxifies and eliminates toxins. Fresh and raw vegetables, probiotic foods, fiber foods, high-antioxidant foods, healthy fats, and omega-3 foods are some of the best examples of foods part of a medicinal diet.
Food also plays a big part in the world of homeopathy. This is where certain foods are finely chopped and steeped in alcohol, then shaken repeatedly before being filtered, diluted, and succussed. The final result is a homeopathic remedy.
Let’s examine 10 of the most common homeopathic remedies made from foods that heal, and the health benefits you get from them.
1. Allium Cepa (Red Onion)
The most well-known food-derived homeopathic remedy is called Allium cepa, and it comes from the red onion. The onion is one of the oldest cultivated plants, and in ancient Greece, it was consumed in large quantities.
In the Middles Ages, the strong smell of the onion was thought to prevent infection, and it was even hung outside houses to ward off the plague. Today, onions can prevent the common cold and flu.
As a homeopathic remedy, people that respond well to Allium cepa will experience anxiety, dullness, and melancholy. The homeopathic remedy is mostly used for a cough and cold characterized by profuse and watery catarrh that leaves the skin sore and irritated. Unsurprising, the person that benefits most from Allium cepa will often crave onions.
2. Allium Sativum (Garlic)
Garlic belongs to the onion family, which also includes chive, leek, and shallot. Garlic is one of the most ancient foods that was used by the Babylonians as early as 3,000 B.C.
Garlic is intensely flavorful and aromatic and is used in nearly every cuisine throughout the world. Medicinally, garlic is valued for its antibiotic, antiviral, anti-cancer properties.
Homeopathic garlic is best for oversensitive and fearful individuals. The person is often prone to catarrh and indigestion problems caused by a rich diet or a sudden dietary change. It is also used for tearing pains in the abdomen and hip area.
3. Petroselinum (Parsley)
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum or Petroselinum sativum) is a fresh herb full of beneficial nutrients, especially vitamin C and vitamin K. It is an anticancer food and chemoprotective plant that protects DNA damage. Parsley also improves digestion and has antifungal and antibacterial properties.
In the kitchen, parsley goes well with everything from rice, potatoes, grass-fed beef, and nearly every vegetable. It is also used to make pesto, salsa, and a traditional Middle Eastern side dish called tabbouleh.
Homeopathic parsley is known as Petroselinum. Homeopathy found Dr. Samuel Hahnemann once referred to Petroselinum as a remedy for gonorrhea. It is also well known for urinary and bladder problems such as incontinence.
The person that requires Petroselinum is often hungry and thirsty, but that desire ends after they begin to drink or eat. Other symptoms may include night-blindness, fever, and cystitis. The person may also fall asleep late, and they have several anxious dreams.
4. Avena Sativa (Oats)
Oats are often considered one of the healthiest breakfasts there is. They are part of a high-fiber diet that helps lower cholesterol, improve digestion, and increase immunity while providing a quality source of protein to the body.
Avena sativa is the homeopathic version that is used for people prone to physical and mental exhaustion. The person tends to be nervous or elderly.
The remedy is also used for chronic insomnia, great weakness, poor concentration, anxiety, palpitations, and nervous exhaustion. It is also used for a low libido or male impotence that is possibly associated with excessive sexual activity.
Homeopathic oats are also used for drug addiction problems. This includes substances like heroin, morphine, cocaine, opium, alcohol, coffee, marijuana, tranquilizers, sedatives, tobacco, and antidepressants like Prozac.
5. Fucus Vesisculosus (Sea Kelp)
Sea vegetables have been a nutrient-dense delicacy in China and Japan for thousands of years. It is considered one of the better sources of the mineral iodine, which is essential for healthy thyroid function.
Kelp is a popular sea vegetable that is light brown to dark green in color. A protein found in most kelp called fucoxanthin has been found to significantly decrease fat tissue. Kelp also may prevent or treat diabetes, slow the growth of certain cancers, prevent bone loss, and help with certain blood-related disorders.
Homeopathic kelp is called Fucus vesiculous, and it is a key remedy for weight loss. The remedy also promotes the stimulation and production of thyroid hormones. Because this affects metabolism, it leads to weight loss. Fucus is effective in treating symptoms and conditions like headaches, indigestion, flatulence, constipation, arteriosclerosis, and scanty menses.
6. Capsicum Annuum (Cayenne Pepper)
Cayenne pepper is often used to add some spice to the meal. The homeopathic version is called Capsicum annuum. Medicinally, it can reduce acidity and stimulate the body’s circulation.
Cayenne pepper also relieves migraines, helps digestion, prevents blood clots, supports detoxification and weight loss, boosts metabolism, relieves nerve and joint pain, treats psoriasis, fights colds, and prevents allergies. It also has antifungal and anticancer properties.
This weight loss remedy is best suited for the peppery person who is also rather pessimistic and discontented. Nostalgia and homesickness often prevent them from fully living their lives. Capsicum is also used for low vitality, perhaps in the elderly or people debilitated from prostate conditions or alcoholism.
7. Anacardium Occidentale (Cashew Nut)
The plant name of the cashew tree nut is called Anacardium occidentale. Nuts, in general, are among the healthiest foods available to us.
The cashew nut can support healthy brain functioning and improve heart health, digestion, and nutrient absorption. Cashews contain important nutrients, including copper, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc.
The homeopathic cashew nut, Anacardium occidentale, is best for people prone to poor memory who feel physically and mentally apathetic and numb. They are also prone to phobias and exam nerves.
The remedy is often prescribed for skin and muscle complaints, red itchiness, blisters, warts, and burns.
8. Chocolatum (Chocolate)
Chocolate is everyone’s favorite superfood when in its healthy pure forms of dark chocolate and cacao nibs. There is a good reason chocolate (Theobroma cacao) is often referred to as a superfood.
Dark chocolate has the potential to protect from free radicals, prevent cancer, improve heart health, promote cognitive function, and balance blood sugar.
Homeopathic chocolate is often prescribed for those that lack concentration and feel vulnerable, anxious, and self-conscious, as if they are being watched. The person is prone to fear of car accidents, dogs, illnesses, or being attacked.
The homeopathic remedy is used for constriction of head or chest, heaviness of the limbs, and nervous disorders linked with great clumsiness.
9. Zingiber Officinale (Ginger)
For thousands of years, ginger has been used for medicinal and culinary purposes. It can be juiced and is a welcomed addition to Indian cuisine.
Ginger is especially useful for relieving nausea, indigestion, and stimulating circulation. It is a key food that fights heart disease and stroke, fungal and bacterial infections, malabsorption problems, compromised immunity, diabetes, ulcers, and cancer.
Homeopathic ginger is used mostly for digestive disorders and symptoms, including abdominal pain, vomiting, and nausea. The remedy is also used for asthma associated with anxiety. The person also tends to be nervous, and restless at night despite being very sleepy.
10. Granatum (Pomegranate)
The pomegranate (Punica granatum) is an antioxidant powerhouse fruit, especially as a juice. This naturally sweet, red liquid comes from pomegranate seeds, and it is loaded with impressive nutrients and health benefits.
Pomegranates can treat everything from high cholesterol, high blood pressure, inflammation, and hyperglycemia. They also contain polyphenols that have been found to be effective against breast, lung, and prostate cancers.
The homeopathic version of the pomegranate is called granatum. This remedy is best suited for the overly impressionable person that is sensitive and ill-humored.
It is used for tapeworms, dizziness, excess salivation, and itching and tickling of the nose and anus. There may also be a loss of appetite, emaciation, and ravenous hunger and cravings for coffee, and juicy and sour foods.
Final Thoughts on Healing Foods and Homeopathic Remedies
Food is medicine, so it is no surprise that certain healing foods are also made into homeopathic remedies. A healthy diet will address deficiencies in the body while preventing and treating serious diseases and an array of illnesses.
Homeopathy can treat and prevent numerous conditions as well, but it does so on an energetic level. Homeopathy works with energy and moves it from or to various parts of the body of excess or deficiency.
I suggest seeking the advice of a qualified homeopath. Your homeopath interviews you and retrieves mental, emotional, and physical symptoms. They will then be able to determine whether any homeopathic remedy is the best fit for you during the initial comprehensive appointment.
Lockie, A., Encyclopedia of Homeopathy: The Definitive Home Reference Guide to Homeopathic Remedies and Treatments for Common Ailments (New York: DK Publishing, Inc., 2000), 34, 122, 124, 129, 133, 136, 160-161, 173.
Mateljan, G., The World’s Healthiest Foods: Essential Guide for the healthiest way of eating (Seattle: George Mateljan Foundation, 2007), 268, 310-311, 694-695, 704-705.
Hershoff, A., N.D., Homeopathic Remedies: A Quick and Easy Guide to Common Disorders and Their Homeopathic Treatments (New York: Penguin Putnam Inc., 1999), 128-129, 147, 173, 190, 237, 264.
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“The Anti-Inflammatory, Iodine-Rich Power of Kelp,” Dr. Axe;, last accessed August 14, 2017.
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