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A Healthy Adrenal Fatigue Diet

By Dr. Victor Marchione, MD ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

The term adrenal fatigue is often applied toward a collection of symptoms including low blood pressure, aches, and, as the name implies, fatigue.

Though it’s the hallmark sign of this syndrome, fatigue is also the symptom that most distressingly can’t be fixed by doing what seems to be the most intuitive—getting more sleep.


And it has nothing to do with how well you rest; rather it’s predominantly about how much cortisol your body creates. Cortisol is the stress hormone, and the early phases of adrenal fatigue can bring on high levels of cortisol, which can make the sufferer feel wired and may bring about insomnia.

After this period is a crash and crippling fatigue. The good news, however, is that you can eat your way to a healthier state. An adrenal fatigue diet is one of the ways to heal the body and mind when an adrenal crash happens.

Why Diet Is Important for Adrenal Fatigue

Diet is important for everything, whether you have adrenal fatigue or not. Daily life throws a lot at us on any given day and our first line of defense is food—but not just any food. It needs to be nutritious and loaded with vitamins and minerals, to build the immune system, help cells regenerate, and fight off those damaging and ever-present free radicals.

To recover from an adrenal crash, you’ll need an adrenal fatigue diet plan. Eating organic, pesticide-free fruits and vegetables along with other nourishing foods and lean proteins is part of the solution. You should also determine what food sensitivities you have (if any) and then eliminate those foods from your diet; they can weaken your immune system and make your body work harder than it needs to by dealing with substances it can’t tolerate. You need food that your body will embrace and absorb without issue, and an adrenal support diet takes this into consideration.


Also Read: Why You Might Be Tired after Eating

Adrenal Fatigue Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

The foods you need to avoid when planning a dietary treatment for adrenal fatigue are the same foods you’ve heard nutrition experts mention again and again. They’re the same ones that cause weight gain, diabetes, and a host of other health issues:

Avoiding those five things will drastically improve your health in general. They won’t necessarily cure you, but they will certainly give your body the fighting chance it needs to do its job while healing. When you suffer from adrenal fatigue, keeping your blood sugar level even can be tricky because it’s closely tied to cortisol. When your cortisol level fluctuates, your blood sugar level can also be affected. This is another reason why a proper diet for adrenal fatigue is an important element in recovery. Below is a table of foods to eat and avoid when undergoing adrenal insufficiency treatment.

Foods to Eat for Adrenal
Foods to Avoid for Adrenal
Papaya Fatty foods
Mango Fried foods
Plums Processed foods
Pears Foods high in sugar
Kiwis Foods made with refined
white flour
Apples Limit fruit intake, especially
in the morning
Cherries Bananas
Grapes (only a few) Raisins
Lots of fresh vegetables,
especially bright-colored
Dates, figs
Leafy green vegetables Oranges
All grains Grapefruit
Legumes and nuts Soda
Salt, within reason. Himalayan
or a natural sea salt is best
because they are packed
with minerals.
Lean meat and poultry Anything that’s a
sugar substitute, e.g.,
aspartame, sucralose
Dairy Limit caffeine. Have one
cup of coffee a day and
one black tea; in fact,
switching to decaf for
the time being is even
better. Alternatively, try
healing herbal teas as
a replacement.
Fish Fast food

Tips for the Adrenal Fatigue Diet

Below are some tips to help you with your natural adrenal support diet.


Adrenal Fatigue Recovery Time

Recovering from adrenal failure can take a few months, but may go faster if you properly follow and implement this diet as an adrenal fatigue solution. Knowing the signs of adrenal fatigue is the first step and then knowing how to heal the syndrome is the next, and food is a key component of that recovery plan.

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Sources for Today’s Article:
“The Adrenal Fatigue Diet Plan,” Adrenal Fatigue Solution web site; http://adrenalfatiguesolution.com/adrenal-fatigue-diet/, last accessed April 13, 2016.
“Diet for Adrenal Fatigue,” Adrenal Fatigue web site; https://adrenalfatigue.org/adrenal-fatigue-diet/, last accessed April 13, 2016.
“Adrenal Fatigue Diet,” Good Food Eating web site; http://goodfoodeating.com/2349/adrenal-fatigue-diet/, last accessed April 13, 2016.
