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Menopause Symptoms: Herbal Remedy That Can Help

By Dr. Victor Marchione, MD ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

For many women, menopause can feel like a Pandora’s box of symptoms has just been unleashed on their lives. Mood swings, hot flashes and a confused brain are just some of the health complaints that can occur mid-life. For those who want to avoid taking synthetic hormones in an effort to shield themselves from these unpleasant symptoms, here’s a potential alternative treatment in the form of an herbal remedy: black cohosh.

Just recently, researchers from Germany looked at black cohosh and its effectiveness in relieving menopausal symptoms. A total 180 female outpatients were recruited for the clinical trial. Half the patients were treated for 12 weeks with a black cohosh extract, while the other half acted as control and were given a placebo. Menopause symptoms were measured at the outset of the study and again after 12 weeks. The research team evaluated the women for quality of life and safety in taking black cohosh.


What did they find at the end of 12 weeks? Compared to the placebo group, patients receiving the black cohosh extract showed a significant reduction in the severity of menopausal symptoms in a dose-dependent manner. As their symptoms lessened, the women also reported significant positive changes in the quality of their lives. According to the researchers, no safety concerns were raised around taking the herbal extract.

PLUS: More alternative cures that could help with menopause symptoms.

Consider taking black cohosh to relieve hormone-related symptoms. According to this trial, the herb is an effective and well-tolerated alternative to conventional treatment.

Sources for Today’s Articles:
An Herbal Cure for Menopause Symptoms
Hess, L., et al., “Dose-Dependent Effects of the Cimicifuga racemosa Extract Ze 450 in the Treatment of Climacteric Complaints: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study,” Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012; 2012: 260301.
