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Banana Peels Can Treat Acne and More!

By Doctors Health Press Editorial Team ,

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There are many different types of acne treatments, from medication to skin creams to natural oils, but what about using a banana peel for acne?

While it might sound a little out there, using a banana peel for skin blemishes and pimples is one of the easiest, most effective treatments available. Bananas have many health benefits when eaten, but banana peels are also loaded with nutrients and antioxidants that can reduce skin inflammation.


Many people suffer for years with acne, bouncing from one treatment to the next, spending countless dollars. Often, natural remedies can be just as effective as store-bought treatments, and they’re usually more affordable and have less side effects too.

If you have acne, a banana peel should be the first treatment you try before emptying your wallet.

How to Use a Banana Peel for Acne

Using a banana peel is very easy. Here are some simple steps to follow when doing your own banana acne treatment:

If using the banana peel seems to irritate your skin, then it may be because you’re rubbing too hard. If gently rubbing still irritates your skin, then it is best to stop. However, the banana peel treatment is usually one of the best treatments for sensitive skin.


Useful Tips for Banana Peels

Banana peels aren’t just effective for acne. Using banana peels on your skin has many other benefits. Here are some of the top banana peel uses:

1. Banana peels can be used to combat wrinkles and ageing skin. They help tighten and hydrate your skin, as well as remove contaminants which contribute to skin ageing.

2. Banana peels are also effective for other skin conditions, like psoriasis and eczema. The banana peel treatment can reduce the severity of these skin conditions in as little as a couple of weeks.

3. Banana peels can also help fight off warts. Simply taping a banana peel piece over your wart and leaving it on overnight can help reduce warts.


4. Banana peels are great for absorbing dirt, and they are also great for absorbing allergens, contaminants, and toxins. If you have an itchy bug bite or have a rash from poison ivy, gently rubbing a banana peel over the affected spot can help remove the itchiness and inflammation.

5. There are no serious side effects from the banana peel treatment. If you’re not seeing the desired effects after one week, you can do the treatment up to three times every day for improved results.

6. Using banana peels for acne scars and pockmarks are also effective, as they hydrate the skin.

Health Benefits of Banana Peels

Not only are banana peels good for your skin, but they’re good for many other things too. If you thought using banana peels on your acne was a little strange, then you will probably be shocked to know that some people actually eat banana peels.

Banana peels are one of the most nutritious substances we commonly have in our homes, and yet most people throw them out. For smoother skin, more energy, a stronger immune system, and all-around better health, you should make banana peels a staple of your skincare routine and diet.

Don’t Throw Away the Banana Peel!

Banana peels are an incredibly effective treatment for acne, skin blemishes, and other skin conditions. When you use banana peels for your skin, before and after comparisons may shock you. Who would guess that something we usually throw in the garbage can have such a big effect? So next time you’re eating a banana and about to throw away the peel, save it for later—your skin will thank you!

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Sources for Today’s Article:
“How to Treat Acne With Banana Peels,” wikiHow web site; http://www.wikihow.com/Treat-Acne-With-Banana-Peels, last accessed December 10, 2015.
Mukherjee, A., “Use Banana Peel To Treat Acne on Face,” Fit and Happy web site, January 2, 2015; http://www.fitandhappy.org/acne/1457-use-banana-peel-treat-acne-face.html.
Olson, S., “Health Benefits Of Bananas And Their Peels: 10 Unusual Ways To Use The Entire Fruit,” Medical Daily web site, August 04, 2014; http://www.medicaldaily.com/health-benefits-bananas-and-their-peels-10-unusual-ways-use-entire-fruit-296454.
Orwig, J., “People around the world are eating banana peels because they know something that Westerners do not,” Business Insider web site, September 26, 2015; http://www.businessinsider.com/benefits-of-eating-banana-peels-2015-9.
Radhakshrishnan M., “5 Simple Steps To Use Banana Peel To Treat Acne,” Style Craze web site, October 12, 2015; http://www.stylecraze.com/articles/simple-steps-to-use-banana-peel-to-treat-acne/.
