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The Benefits of Chair Yoga for Seniors

By Mat Lecompte, CPT ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

Reviewed by Dr. Richard Foxx, MD—Many seniors look at traditional yoga poses as something they simply cannot do. They may not have the balance or have suffered an injury that hampers movement. Perhaps they are just uncomfortable or lacking confidence in their ability to do it. If any of these apply to you, then chair yoga may be the solution.


It’s pretty self-explanatory: chair yoga involves yoga moves with the support of a chair. The chair serves as a stabilizing apparatus to enhance movement and provide reinforcement to those who might not have the physical capabilities, or mental comfort, to perform traditional yoga.

You’ve likely heard about some of the benefits of yoga. Some of the purported benefits include pain relief, relaxation, and improved mobility. But there are also a number of potential specific benefits of chair yoga for seniors.

Let’s take a look at why it might be a great introduction to, or useful form of, yoga for you.

Chair Yoga Benefits

1. Accessibility

One of the biggest benefits of chair yoga for seniors is accessibility. If your mobility is limited or you’ve never tried yoga before, the idea of getting down on the ground to perform poses can be daunting. Sitting in a sturdy chair to perform movements can ease the stress and help you reap the rewards of yoga in a more comfortable and realistic way.


2. Pain Relief and Treatment

One of the biggest benefits of yoga is its ability to help with pain. Because many seniors experience pain such as back pain, joint pain, and arthritis, yoga could be a useful and cost-effective treatment method.

There is research to suggest that yoga can have pain-relieving capabilities. Research has shown it can decrease pain and improve mobility in people with knee osteoarthritis. There is also work showing it can relieve pain and improve grip strength in people with carpal tunnel syndrome. More research on these uses is required, but yoga is largely risk-free and could be a useful tool to treat various pain conditions.

Part of its benefit might come from an ability to help lubricate joints, promote blood flow, strengthen muscles, and relieve inflammation.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Effects

There are some studies to suggest that yoga can help reduce inflammation. This might provide some resistance to pain and the development of chronic illnesses. Many chronic illnesses like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis are closely associated with low-grade chronic inflammation.


Some studies have shown reduced levels of inflammatory markers when yoga is preformed; however, more research is needed to confirm the overall benefit. It’s possible that the reduced inflammation associated with yoga is a result of its benefits on stress.

4. Stress and Anxiety Relief

The biggest benefit, and perhaps what yoga is best known for, is its ability to tame stress and anxiety. There are multiple studies showing that yoga can reduce the secretion of cortisol, the body’s main stress hormone.

Studies have shown that yoga’s influence on cortisol has led to significantly lower levels of stress, anxiety, fatigue, and depression, while improving quality of life and mental health. Because of these impacts, yoga may also promote better sleep quality.

The effects of lower stress, anxiety, and depression extend beyond mental health. Stress has the ability to exacerbate inflammation and joint pain, immobility, high blood pressure, and more physical symptoms.

5. Balance and Flexibility 

Yoga is also known for an ability to improve balance and flexibly. It might achieve this in multiple ways. One is that it encourages a stronger mind-body connection. Paying attention to how you’re moving your body to reach a specific position creates awareness and improves neural pathways to target specific muscles. This can create better physical awareness that improves balance.

It can also help improve strength and flexibility so you are better equipped to move your body faster and further, when needed. This can help reduce the risk for falls and injuries.

Chair Yoga Poses for Seniors

The following are six chair yoga poses you can do almost anywhere. Before getting started, there are a few things to remember:

1. Seated Cat Cow

2. Seated Twist

3. Seated Chest Opener

4. Seated Mountain

5. Chair Pigeon/Hip Opener

6. Single-Leg Stretch

Chair Yoga: A Useful Tool for Seniors and Others

If you’re intimidated by yoga or limited in your ability to perform it, chair yoga is perfect for you. It can provide a number of potential benefits to help improve your quality of life, and it can be accomplished virtually everywhere. Doing it a few times per week could potentially make a real difference in your health and well-being.

Article Sources (+)

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