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Broken Blood Vessels on Face: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment for Spider Veins on Face

By Doctors Health Press Editorial Team ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

Spider veins are often associated with age, but many people of all ages have signs of these broken blood vessels across the face. Why? Remember, the skin on our face is slightly delicate, as it is constantly exposed to harmful environmental factors every minute of the day.

From the skin products we use to the air we breathe, we put our skin at risk for damage all the time. Broken blood vessels on face are not a health hazard, but they can cause one to become quite self-conscious with the tiny, red blotchy lines streaking across the cheek. We will look at the causes and possible home treatments for spider veins on face.


Spider veins, also known as telangiectasia, are capillaries that become enlarged. These tiny blood vessels dilate and “break,” giving the appearance of red lines just under the skin’s surface. This happens as the walls of the blood vessel, which transports the blood to the skin, become weak.

Fortunately, this does not cause any serious effects on your health; it just presents unsightly red lines or streaks. All is not lost, because there are ways to reduce the appearance of broken blood capillaries on face as well as precautions to take to prevent outbreaks. In learning how to treat spider veins, we must first discover the underlying cause.

What Causes Broken Capillaries on Face

Broken blood vessels are seen more often in those with light or fair skin tones and in people with sensitive skin conditions such as rosacea. One of the most common causes of broken capillaries on face is a hereditary gene. Spider veins may also be attributed to environmental factors or the body’s natural reaction to a sneeze. The following causes are known to produce this condition, and may help determine how to treat it and possibly prevent it from occurring.

1. Heredity

You may be predisposed to broken capillaries if your parents or grandparents have them. These can appear anywhere on the body, but the most prevalent location with genetics as a factor is on the face, especially spider veins on nose.


2. Weather Exposure

Our body responds to extreme weather in various ways, and one is by changing the physical condition of our blood vessels. Exposure to excessive heat or cold can indirectly cause our circulatory system to react, and broken facial capillaries can be the result.

3. Ultraviolet Rays

The powerful ultraviolet rays of the sun can damage the skin with premature wrinkles, sunburn, and even cancer. These same rays can also cause the blood vessels to dilate and show on the face as tiny red or purple lines.

4. Alcohol

The chemical makeup of alcohol causes your blood vessels to react by expanding and rising to the surface of the skin. Excessive alcohol use stimulates the brain to over-adjust the vascular system, forcing a permanent redness of the cheeks. Alcohol-related damage to your liver can also cause broken capillaries.

5. Rosacea

The skin condition rosacea is another primary cause of spider veins. The blood vessels become distended, leaving the nose and cheeks to become red. The broken capillaries are often long-term in nature, and are linked to a heredity condition.


6. Body Functions

A hard sneeze or severe vomiting can cause blood vessels of the face to burst or break. These actions can even cause broken capillaries under eyes as the force of pressure rises in the facial blood vessels.

How to Get Rid of Broken Blood Vessels on Face

One of the trendier medical options for broken capillaries on face treatment is the use of lasers to get rid of the lines and redness. This may be an effective (yet painful) treatment, but you may be able to get the same effect with a more natural option. We have found alternatives for you to try to combat telangiectasia on face.

1. Makeup

The fastest and easiest spider veins on face home remedy may be the use of concealer. This form of makeup can help cover the unsightly lines and redness of minor spider veins. Apply in combination with your foundation, and add blush and highlighter to accentuate the unaffected areas of the face.

Concealers come in different colors to target problematic areas. Green concealer works on spider veins and redness, while yellow concealer offers to smooth out the skin tone. Use pink concealer for any purplish spots or circles that pop up under the eyes.

2. Vitamin C and Lysine

Another popular home treatment is the use of vitamin C with lysine. Vitamin C alone could treat damaged skin caused by irritation and inflammation as a result of the sun’s ultraviolet rays. It may diminish the appearance of the redness and tiny lines of broken blood vessels. The essential amino acid lysine combats redness as well as other skin issues.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Spider veins are caused by an inflammation of the blood vessels lying close to the skin’s surface. Apple cider vinegar may treat the swelling by reducing the size of vessels. Apply a warm compress soaked in apple cider vinegar to the affected areas and leave on for a 15-minute treatment.

Repeat two times each day until the appearance of the lines diminishes. You can also wash your face with apple cider vinegar. As the vinegar has strong properties, it is recommended to dilute with water before using.

4. Aloe Vera

The gel of an aloe vera plant has been used for centuries to treat various skin conditions, including redness. Use fresh aloe vera gel directly on the face to lessen the appearance of red areas.

5. Grapeseed Oil

The natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of grapeseed oil are said to attack the enlarged blood vessels and dark circles under the eyes. You can apply it directly onto the affected areas of the face.

6. Horse Chestnut Seed

Horse chestnut seed extract may also be known as Conkers or Buckeye. Aescin, the active ingredient of this plant, might help to reduce the development of spider veins, as it treats the inflammation and strengthens the walls of the blood vessels.

Use equal amounts of horse chestnut seed extract and grapeseed oil for a solution to apply to the affected areas for an overnight treatment. Rinse with a mild soap in the morning.

7. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel’s hemostatic effect of ensuring blood remains in the blood vessel is used to treat varicose veins, and it may also help with spider veins on face. It could reduce the look of the veins with its astringent components, through direct treatment of a cotton swab soaked with witch hazel. Repeat this treatment two to three times daily.

8. Butcher’s Broom

Extract of butcher’s broom, an evergreen plant, is commonly used to compress the blood vessels and promote good circulation. Apply directly on the red areas and broken blood vessels.

While many swear by the above alternative remedies, it is important to be mindful of potential allergies or drug interactions. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist prior to adopting any natural treatment option.

How to Prevent Broken Blood Vessels on Face

Because broken capillaries can be a permanent fixture on your face, the best treatment is prevention. Along with the home remedies to diminish the appearance, there are lifestyle changes you could try as a precaution. You could stop the spider veins before they start.

Broken blood vessels on face can be embarrassing and create a heightened state of self-awareness in a person. There is no need to worry about these red tiny lines in respect to your overall health. The underlying cause can be inherited or may be a result of your lifestyle or environment.

To avoid using expensive and painful laser treatments, you may be able to get the same effect of diminishing the appearance by following a few simple home remedies. For the spider veins caused by external factors, try the suggested prevention tips.

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“Broken Facial Capillaries: Causes And Treatments,” Advanced Dermatology, February 5, 2014; http://www.advanced-dermatology.com.au/broken-capillaries-treatment, last accessed July 11, 2017.
Fuentes, A., “5 Home Remedies for Broken Blood Vessels on Face,” Home Remedy Shop, December 7, 2015; https://homeremedyshop.com/5-home-remedies-for-broken-blood-vessels-on-face/, last accessed July 11, 2017.
