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Snap, Crackle and Popping Sternum: Natural Home Remedies for Costochondritis

By Dr. Victor Marchione, MD ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

If you are experiencing chest pain or a “popping” sternum—a clicking or cracking sensation when moving or breathing deeply—then you may be suffering from costochondritis.

Costochondritis is inflammation of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the sternum (also known as your breastbone or chest bone). In most cases it should resolve on its own with little to no treatment. If the costochondritis is severe (e.g. the chest pain becomes excruciatingly painful) a visit to the emergency room may be needed.


Let’s take a further look at this condition.

What Causes Costochondritis?

Costochondritis is more common in adults over the age of 40. Although doctors can’t pinpoint the exact cause of the sternum pain (i.e. sternum popping and chest pain), it has been linked to the following:

Signs and Symptoms of Costochondritis

Swelling might not be as easily visible on a chest x-ray (except in critical cases like in a car accident). In extreme cases of costochondritis, the symptoms can be so intense that they can interfere with daily functioning and even during rest. Costochondritis cases that persist for more than three months may be considered chronic.

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Here are signs to look out for:

5 Natural Home Remedies for Sternum Popping (Costochondritis)

Costochondritis typically gets better after a few weeks, but there are a few natural ways to help manage the symptoms. Costochondritis treatment includes:

Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Costochondritis Chest Pain

Stretches for Effective Costochondritis Treatment

During a costochondritis flare-up, stretches can help increase mobility, reduce pain and encourage healing. Chest opening stretches will relax the muscles around your chest bone and improve blood flow.

Here are a few helpful stretches you can try:


Finally, to avoid sternum pain or sternum popping, ask for assistance when carrying or lifting something. Avoid any contact sports and strenuous activities that involve using the upper body (i.e. yoga, swimming, or ironing). Carry as little as possible in your bag or use a backpack instead of a purse—it will sit evenly on your back. Remember, for effective costochondritis treatment, follow the stretching exercises above.

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Sources for Today’s Article:
“Severe Costochondritis – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment,” Healthhype.com, http://www.healthhype.com/severe-costochondritis-causes-symptoms-treatment.html, last accessed November 2, 2015.
“Popping, Cracking, Clicking Sternum (Breastbone) Rib Joint,” Healthhype.com, http://www.healthhype.com/popping-cracking-clicking-sternum-breastbone-rib-joint.html, last accessed November 2, 2015.
Fergusson, K., “Costochondritis treatments: chest pain relief,” HubPages web site; last updated October 8, 2015; http://hubpages.com/health/Costochondritis-treatment, last accessed November 2, 2015.
