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Costochondritis Cure and Treatment Tips

By Jon Yaneff, CNP ,

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Costochondritis Cure
Credit: iStock.com/decade3d

Costochondritis is the medical name for chest wall pain—also called acute inflammation of the costal cartilage, which is located near the sternum. If you are diagnosed with the condition, you will want to get out in front of treating costochondritis. This article will explain the natural costochondritis cure and how to treat costochondritis symptoms.

Costal cartilage inflammation causes a sharp pain in the front of the chest wall, which may then spread to the back or abdomen. The breastbone and rib joints also become inflamed and tender. The pain caused by costochondritis may also mimic a heart attack or other heart conditions.


The pain will worsen when you cough or take a deep breath; however, the pain decreases when you stop all movement or when you breathe quietly.

There is often no apparent cause of costochondritis, although some doctors believe that bacterial or viral infections may trigger this chest pain. Others believe increased activity of the arms also causes costochondritis.

How to Cure Costochondritis

Costochondritis can be painful, but is also quite harmless. How long does costochondritis take to heal? It will often go away on its own within a few days or weeks, but sometimes it can take a number of months.

There is a costochondritis cure, but the course of treatment will depend on the underlying cause of your pain. There are also many tips for how to treat costochondritis naturally.


We will detail the various treatment options, including the best costochondritis diet and some of the better costochondritis treatment natural remedies. The following strategies may help cure costochondritis fast.

1. Home Remedies

Want to know how to cure costochondritis from the comfort of your home? These home remedies are commonly used to treat the chest pain:

Let’s take a quick look at the anti-inflammatory and analgesic abilities of topical arnica. A study published in the journal Rheumatology International in 2007 found that topical arnica was as effective as the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ibuprofen.

2. Medications

That brings us to the conventional medications used to treat costochondritis:


3. Surgery and Other Options

If everything tried fails, your doctor may inject you with corticosteroids or recommend a procedure called transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). This is where a device sends a weak electrical current to the area of pain with adhesive patches that are placed on the skin. The current is thought to mask or interrupt pain signals from reaching your brain.

If those also don’t work, sometimes surgery is necessary to remove or repair damaged cartilage, especially when damage results from an infection. Outcomes are considered very good when combined with antibiotics. Yearly check-ups are then essential to make sure the joint remains healthy.

Costochondritis Diet

What else may work as a strong costochondritis cure? This section on the costochondritis diet will help you understand what you should eat and which foods are best to avoid.

Foods to Eat

In general, an anti-inflammatory diet can help transform your health while reducing both pain and inflammation in problems such as costochondritis. This type of diet is full of foods that contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids.

Some of the better anti-inflammatory foods include:

Also, consume plenty of filtered water, smoothies, and freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices.

Foods to Avoid

On the other hand, an anti-inflammatory costochondritis diet excludes a number of pro-inflammatory foods and substances. For instance, be sure to stay away from refined grains, refined sugars, and processed foods, especially packaged snacks, breads, baked goods, and soda.

Dairy and gluten-containing foods are also thought to cause inflammation. Alternatively, consider dairy-free products like coconut, rice, or almond milks, and gluten-free products that contain rice or quinoa. Also, avoid stimulants like alcohol and caffeine, which are known to worsen inflammation.

Find the Right Costochondritis Cure for You

Costochondritis is medical jargon for acute inflammation of the costal cartilage. Although sometimes the problem can disappear on its own, other times, it can linger for weeks and even months. That is why it is important to understand many of the natural costochondritis cure remedies mentioned in this article.

Some of the better home remedies include rest, a heat or cold compress, stretches and exercises, improving your posture, and herbal remedies like arnica. The anti-inflammatory costochondritis diet might also help you heal your pain and inflammation in both the short-term and long-term.

If none of these options work, consult your doctor. They may be able to recommend further treatment such as surgery.

Also Read :

What Causes Costochondritis? Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Snap, Crackle and Popping Sternum: Natural Home Remedies for Costochondritis

What to Know about Pain under the Left Rib Cage

Article Sources (+)

“Costochondritis Treatments and Remedies,” Healthy Diet Base, Feb. 27, 2015; http://www.healthydietbase.com/costochondritis-treatments-and-remedies/, last accessed Oct. 31, 2017.
“Costochondritis,” Wake Forest; http://bch.wakehealth.edu/KidsHealth/Teens/Diseases-and-Conditions/Bones-Muscles-and-Joints/Costochondritis.htm, last accessed Oct. 31, 2017.
“wikiHow to Treat Costochondritis,” wikiHow; https://www.wikihow.com/Treat-Costochondritis, last accessed Oct. 31, 2017.
Widrig, R., et al., “Choosing between NSAID and arnica for topical treatment of hand osteoarthritis in a randomized, double-blind study,” Rheumatology International, April 2007; 27(6): 585-591, doi: 10.1007/s00296-007-0304-y