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Flea Bites vs. Bed Bug Bites: Symptoms and Differences

By Dr. Michael Kessler, DC ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

It is not impossible, to tell the difference between bed bug bites and flea bites.If you get an insect bite in your own home, fleas and bed bugs are the most likely culprits.

Infestations can be surprisingly hard to get rid of and the bite marks themselves are not always easy to tell apart. Insects can also carry diseases; this makes bug bites more than just everyday annoyances. Knowing the difference between flea bites and bed bug bites will help you tell whether you’re dealing with bed bugs or fleas, and identify what pest to get rid of.


Short of catching an insect in the act, the most readily available way to identify the bug you’re dealing with is to look at the bite itself. All insects feast on you in different ways and will leave different marks if you know what to look for.

Fleas vs. Bed Bugs

First, there are several important differences between fleas and bed bugs. This easy chart will help you detect which pest may be bothering you.

Bed Bugs vs. Fleas
Bed Bugs Fleas
Appearance Flat; small; oval-shaped; brownish-red Small; thin; dark red or brown; long-legged
Size 4 to 5 millimeters (mm) long; 1.5 to 3 mm wide 1.5 to 3.3 mm long
Disease-Carrying Potential Do not spread disease Can spread disease
Bite Impact No pain at time of biting; later itchiness and rash Pain during biting; later swelling
Identification Clues Dark spots on bedding—particularly near the feet and lower leg; rust-colored stains on sheets; bite marks on lower legs; sweet, musty odor. Visible on pets; your body.
Hiding Place Cracks in walls; floors; piping; bed frames; mattress seems. Easily transported. On pets; on or in upholstery.

Symptoms of Flea Bites vs. Bed Bug Bites

Bed bug bites and flea bites come with unique symptoms that can help you differentiate what you might be dealing with. It should also be noted that these symptoms are not exclusive to either pest, and you should be examined by a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

What Are Flea Bites (Symptoms)?

Flea bites are most commonly found on the legs, feet, waist, or armpits but can appear anywhere the insect has access to. The bites will look red, swollen, somewhat blotchy, and will constantly itch. They commonly come with rashes as well. Flea bites also tend to appear in small clusters and can have a white “halo” shape immediately around the puncture mark.


The halo is easier to see when you stretch the skin or press your finger onto the bite location. After a few days it is possible for a flea bite to blister, but this isn’t guaranteed.

You may also experience secondary infections following scratching, and some develop hypersensitivity to the bites over time.

What Are Bed Bug Bites (Symptoms)?

Bed bug bites are different from flea bites and resemble small, hard, swollen lumps similar to a mosquito bite and appear most often on the hands, neck, and arms. Like with fleas, bed bug bites will itch as well, but they don’t provoke the rash response fleas can trigger.

It’s also important to note that bed bugs tend to feed in a line, so their bites will have a more linear pattern than the clusters of flea bites. Bed bug bites lack the halo feature but often appear inflamed and can blister over time.


Some may see no evidence of bed bug bites or experience any type of reaction, while others may develop severe itching, blisters, or hives.

The difference in frequency of the bites should also be considered. Bed bugs only tend to eat every few days so their bites will appear less regularly. Fleas, on the other hand, eat continuously so their bites will be a recurrent feature if the insects aren’t dealt with.

There are more ways to tell whether you are dealing with fleas or bed bugs than just looking at the physical symptoms. For example, fleas are rarely bigger than the tip of a pen so they can be hard to spot. If you think you’ve found one, pay attention to the legs and the shape of the body. Fleas have thin, flat, brown bodies with a hard shell and no wings but their hind legs are large and strong for jumping.

Health Risks of Fleas and Bed Bugs

Barring a rare allergic reaction, flea and bed bug bites are more often an annoyance than anything else, and bed bugs specifically are not known to carry any diseases harmful to humans. Flea bites are slightly more worrisome, however, since fleas are known carriers of typhoid, tapeworms, and plague, although all three of these are rare in the U.S.

The biggest risk would be a flea infestation combined with a cat, since the flea can possibly transmit a condition called cat scratch fever. If the infected cat scratches you it could result in loss of appetite, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and headaches, but it can become more serious if you are immunocompromised.

Flea bites and bed bug bites can be very itchy. Constant itching will break the skin and make you more vulnerable to other infections, so it is very important to resist the impulse.

Treating Flea Bites and Bed Bug Bites

Calamine lotion or cold compresses can soothe a bite and reduce the itchiness. If you have scratched and broken open a blister, you should wash the area with warm soapy water and then pat dry as a precautionary measure against infection. There are also some natural remedies that can relieve the itching:

The above treatments may help relieve the symptoms of fleas and bed bugs, but there are specific ways to treat the underlying causes.

If you have bed bugs:

If you have fleas:

Prevention Tips

How to Prevent Flea Bites

How to Prevent Bed Bug Bites

Getting Rid of Fleas and Bed Bugs

The hardest part about dealing with flea bites and bed bug bites is getting rid of the source. Bed bugs are different from flea bites. They don’t have central nests like, say, ants, so tracking down and killing all of them requires a highly focused effort. Fleas also breed remarkably fast and can replenish their numbers if not taken out in a single sweep.

It’s best to consult with a pest control expert on what your options are. Depending on the severity of your problem, it may be possible to get rid of the bugs without resorting to fumigation.

Also Read:

Article Sources (+)

“Bed bugs vs. Fleas,” Diffen; https://www.diffen.com/difference/Bed_Bugs_vs_Fleas, last accessed February 23, 2018.
“Flea Bites vs. Bed Bug Bites,” New Health Guide; http://www.newhealthguide.org/Flea-Bites-Vs-Bed-Bug-Bites.html, last accessed February 23, 2018.
“Flea Bites vs Bed Bug Bites – What is the Difference?” Fleabites.net; https://www.fleabites.net/about/, last accessed February 23, 2018.
Lunardo, E., “Flea bites vs. bed bug bites, difference in symptoms and treatments,” Bel Marra Health, July 12, 2016; https://www.belmarrahealth.com/flea-bites-vs-bed-bug-bites-difference-in-symptoms-and-treatments/, last accessed February 23, 2018.
“Flea bites VS Bed Bug bites,” Long Time No Flea, October 2, 2015; http://longtimenoflea.com/flea-bites-vs-bed-bug-bites/, last accessed February 23, 2018.
“7 Common Signs and Symptoms of a Flea Bite,” Symptomfind.com, September 16, 2015; http://www.symptomfind.com/diseases-conditions/7-common-signs-and-symptoms-of-a-flea-bite/.
Holland, K., “Is It a Flea Bite?: Symptoms and Treatments,” Healthline web site, September 26, 2013; http://www.healthline.com/health-slideshow/flea-bites#3.