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Explosive Diarrhea: Causes, Risk Factors, And Treatments

By Doctors Health Press Editorial Team ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

Diarrhea can wreak havoc on your system. Now imagine the agonizing pain and symptoms multiplied by 10. This condition is known as severe or explosive diarrhea. It occurs when the pressure on your intestines is increased by the amount of stool gathered in the rectum. You can expect to also have severe flatulence, which can intensify the condition. We will look at explosive diarrhea causes and what specific steps can be taken for explosive diarrhea treatment.

You may experience diarrhea from time to time due to a viral or bacterial infection or digestive issues. It should be noted that diarrhea is not a disorder but a symptom of a health condition. Our stool is mostly made of water but also contains fiber, protein, fat, mucus, undigested carbohydrates, and intestinal matter.


Diarrhea occurs when your large intestine fails to absorb the excess fluid during a rapid digestive process or when a higher fluid amount is secreted than normal. The World Health Organization refers to a diarrhea condition as soft, or loose, bowel movements occurring three or more times in the span of a day.

What Causes Explosive Diarrhea?

With explosive diarrhea, there are several factors that can contribute to the powerful release of stool. Medical conditions, certain prescription medications, various types of infections, and changes in your diet can trigger explosive diarrhea.

During this time, your body undergoes serious changes such as severe gas build up resulting in excessive flatulence, strong contractions in the colon and rectum, and an abundance of watery stool.

1. Diet

As you may be aware, certain foods can trigger mild and sometimes major cases of diarrhea. We tend to avoid these types of food when dining out, but there is more to consider than just the type of food. Certain components of foods can produce an allergy, also known as intolerance.


A common issue is lactose intolerance, where one lacks the proper digestive enzymes to digest milk and other dairy products. Other food substances that can trigger diarrhea include fructose, sorbitol, and mannitol.

2. Infections

Explosive diarrhea can be caused by viral and bacterial infections. With a viral infection, your intestines and stomach can become inflamed and is relatively brief. It calls for no medical treatment with rest and plenty of fluids to ease symptoms. Bacterial infections such as Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, and salmonella are also common causes. These types of bacteria can damage intestine cells.

Another type of infection that causes explosive diarrhea is parasitic infection with the most common parasite being Giardia lamblia. It easily attacks those with low-functioning immune systems but can affect anyone as it is known as traveler’s diarrhea. Parasitic infections are contracted by contaminated food and drinking water and improper food preparation.

3. Medications

Both prescribed and over-the-counter medications can cause severe explosive diarrhea. Even the use of laxatives to relieve constipation can result in diarrhea when not used as instructed. Antibiotics are common medications that can change your bowel function, resulting in explosive diarrhea.


4. Toxins

A little-known fact is severe diarrhea can be caused by the environment. These toxins can be found in the air we breathe and in the food and water we consume. We can also be affected by toxic substances from plants and animals. Synthetic toxins can also be ingested and cause explosive diarrhea.

5. Medical Conditions

Apart from the medications you may take for a health condition, the condition itself may be causing your explosive diarrhea. Ulcerative colitis is the most common disorder that causes severe diarrhea. Other such causes include Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and colon cancer.

Normal Diarrhea versus Explosive Diarrhea

While the description of explosive diarrhea can differ from one person to another, it is basically a more severe form of diarrhea.

Normal diarrhea can be described as loose bowel movements accompanied by mild pain in the abdominal region. The diarrhea can happen frequently with very watery and shapeless stool. It usually clears up on its own after a couple of days.

Explosive diarrhea has all of the elements of normal diarrhea but with a large amount of flatulence and, for some, more severe pain. The powerful movement of the stool can create loud, excessive gas to be dispelled. It is referred to some as violent and obscene amount of diarrhea.

Complications of Explosive Diarrhea

Although explosive diarrhea usually lasts for a few days, it can create an environment in your body that allows other health issues to surface.

1. Dehydration

Any form of diarrhea can lead to a loss of essential nutrients through your loss of fluids. It is vital to maintain fluid intake either by sipping small amounts of water throughout the day or sucking on ice chips.

Dehydration can be life-threatening for those with low-functioning immune systems and babies, children, and the elderly. Signs to watch for include excessive thirst, dryness in mouth or on skin, fatigue, weakness, and dark-colored or lack of urine.

2. Chronic Diarrhea

Explosive diarrhea usually lasts for a few days and like normal diarrhea, can often lead to several bouts of loose bowel movements from time to time over a few weeks. If your explosive diarrhea lasts for more than four weeks, it is referred to as chronic diarrhea. The underlying cause of this symptoms requires medical advice as it can lead to more serious health issues.

3. Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

If your explosive diarrhea is caused by an E.coli infection, you can develop hemolytic uremic syndrome. It is a rare condition that can lead to kidney failure. Symptoms along with the diarrhea include fever, blood in stool, vomiting, bruising easily, and a decrease in amount and frequency of urination.

How to Treat Explosive Diarrhea

Like with most illnesses that result in losing fluids, drinking plenty of water and replenishing lost nutrients is vital in building up your strength. There are several ingredients around your house that may aide in the treatment of explosive diarrhea.

Risk Factors for Explosive Diarrhea

While diarrhea can not always be prevented, there are several risk factors you should be aware of.

When to See a Doctor

Most cases of explosive diarrhea will stop after a few days. If your diarrhea lasts longer than several days, or two days in a child, seek medical attention as it may be caused by a serious health issue. Contact your doctor if you suffer from:

Whether it is caused by something you ate, an infection picked up along the way, or is a symptom of a serious health condition, explosive diarrhea can be a somber condition in itself. It is important to replenish nutrients lost during the flushing of fluids from your body and many foods found in your kitchen can help. Know the signs to watch for and seek immediate medical attention if need be. Remember your body needs rest and hydration to be able to recover quickly and regain strength to return to normal activities.


York Morris, S., “What You Should Know About Explosive Diarrhea,” Healthline, November 15, 2016; http://www.healthline.com/health/explosive-diarrhea#Overview1, last accessed February 17, 2017.
Fields, L., “Diarrhea: Triggers and Treatments,” Web MD; http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/chronic-diarrhea-16/diarrhea-treatments, last accessed February 17, 2017.
“Home Remedies For Diarrhea,” Top 10 Home Remedies; http://www.top10homeremedies.com/home-remedies/home-remedies-for-diarrhea.html, last accessed February 17, 2017.

