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Four Natural Therapies to Fight the Blues

By Dr. Victor Marchione, MD ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

For many, the weeks following the December holidays can be a little depressing. This is a mental state that can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. For most, this brief bout with the blues will pass. But for those with bipolar disorder, the roller coaster of emotions, running the gamut from depression to heightened anxiety, can be a weekly challenge.

How does someone with bipolar disorder safeguard their mental health? Australian researchers suggest that four complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies in particular might be of benefit to those wishing to improve their mental health.


Bipolar disorder can be a debilitating syndrome that is often undiagnosed and undertreated. But the Australian research team notes that people with bipolar disorder can and do self-medicate with complementary and alternative medicine. They conducted a review to find out which of these CAM treatments appears to be more effective.

They looked at clinical trials published in PubMed, the Cochrane Library, and other medical databases and searched for studies linking bipolar disorder with CAM therapies. They found that multi-nutrient formulas containing n-acetylcysteine and l-tryptophan showed positive results. They also found evidence that branched-chain amino acids, magnesium, and acupuncture could improve bipolar disorder symptoms.

Certainly that is a good handful of treatments for someone with bipolar disorder to look into with their healthcare provider. Remember that, for everyone, regardless of a bipolar disorder diagnosis or not, there are many vitamins and minerals that are absolutely essential for boosting mood and mental outlook. If you are not getting enough B-vitamins, you will likely suffer from mood swings. There are very real emotional ups and downs that result from a deficiency in these vitamins.

Give your mental health the boost it deserves and make sure you have an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals.


Get some exercise (tip: read the article Two Great Findings on Physical Activity) and try to avoid smoking and drinking excessively. Without these factors upping your risk for depression and/or bipolar disorder, you may find you feel quite positive and mentally strong.
