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Getting in Shape for Summer: A Beginner’s Guide to Summer Workout Plans

By Mat Lecompte, CPT ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

When spring hits, it means it’s time to start thinking about getting in shape for summer. But starting an exercise routine before the temperatures heat up can be difficult—and if you’ve never really adopted an exercise program before, the idea can be rather intimidating.

I’ll admit the idea of simply “getting in shape for summer” seems a little shallow at face value. After all, are you really going to be walking around scantily clad for the world to see? Most likely, no. But spring is nature’s rejuvenation, and it serves quite naturally as a timeline for human rejuvenation, too.


The truth is it’s always a good time to start getting more active and improving your physical fitness. Starting a weight training routine, jogging routine, or adopting any form of physical activity can make a number of improvements to both physical and mental health. If you want to get in shape this summer, here’s what you can do.

Health Benefits of Getting in Shape for Summer

Like anything else, your success with a summer workout routine will largely depend on your reason for doing it. And if you need a reason, here are a few scientifically proven mental and physical benefits of exercise that may help sway your decision:

Choosing the Right Summer Workout Plan for You

Not all forms of exercise will deliver the same results, but each form of exercise is beneficial. It’s important to set a goal and tailor your summer workout plan accordingly.

1. Weight Training

Weight training—also called resistance training—involving moving elastics, dumbbells, barbells, objects or resistance machines will enhance muscle size and strength. This will ultimately lead to better balance, which can prevent falls and bone breaks. It can also protect bones from osteoporosis. Weight training also improves body composition, glucose metabolism (reduced risk for type 2 diabetes), and can lower blood pressure long-term.


2. Cardio

Running, jogging, dancing, or other cardiovascular activity is also important for your health. Running, like most other forms of exercise, is associated with improved mood, while helping to improve cardiac efficiency, glucose metabolism, lower blood pressure, reduce the risk for heart disease, and promote anti-aging benefits.

3. Combination

Of course, the benefits of any type of exercise—resistance or cardiovascular activity—are enhanced when used together. If you want to start getting in shape for summer, it’s recommended you try and spend some time with resistance and cardio. Designing a program where you weight train on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, while doing cardio on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday, for example, would be ideal.

4. Healthy Diet

The effects of both forms of exercise are magnified through diet; so to get the results you want, you’re going to want to tailor your diet, too. Generally speaking, if you’re looking to add muscle, you’ll need to eat a little more protein, healthy carbs, and healthy fats. If you want to lose fat, you’ll still want to make sure you’re getting a good amount of protein; just be more selective with your carbohydrate and fat sources. If your goal is to perform plenty of cardio, you want to make sure you’re getting enough carbs so that glycogen is adequately stored. For more info on nutrition and caloric requirements, click here.

Preparing for Your Summer Workout Routine

So, you’re ready to start getting in shape for summer. Thankfully, starting an exercise routine can be pretty cheap, and what little money you do spend will likely save you in the long run in healthcare costs.


1. Choose the Right Footwear

All you need is a good pair of comfortable sneakers that will give you some mileage. Everybody’s feet and cadence is different; while some people’s feet pronate, others supinate when stepping. Therefore, you may require insoles to provide equal weight distribution when you step and save your knees from potential trouble. Talk to your doctor or a footwear specialist to see if there are any specifics you need to address when purchasing shoes.

When you’re buying your sneakers, you’ll want to consider ankle and heel support.

2. Try a Gym Membership

You may also need to spend some money on a gym membership. And if you’ve never worked out before, you may want to invest in the services of a personal trainer. Trainers can show you how to properly perform exercises, while easing you into a routine at a pace that suits your capabilities and needs. As you learn the safe execution of movements and become comfortable navigating the gym, you can leave your trainer if you like. It’s also important to talk to your doctor before starting any exercise program.

Sample Summer Workout Routine

If you want to start getting in shape for summer, here is a workout routine you can try. Remember to warm up before each weight and cardio session to reduce the risk of injury.

Monday (Day 1): Upper-Body Push

Tuesday (Day 2): Lower-Body Push

Wednesday (Day 3): Cardio

Perform 30-40 minutes of cardio (dancing, jogging, walking, cycling, etc.)

Thursday (Day 4): Upper-Body Pull

Friday (Day 5): Lower-Body Pull

Saturday (Day 6): Cardio

Perform 30-40 minutes of cardio (dancing, jogging, walking, cycling, etc.)

Sunday (Day 7): Rest

You don’t need to spend your day on the sofa; so if it’s a nice day, go outside for a leisurely walk or bike ride!

Westcott, M., “Resistance training is medicine: effects of strength training on health,” Current Sports Medicine Reports. 2012 Jul-Aug;11(4):209-16. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0b013e31825dabb8.
Myers, J., “Exercise and Cardiovascular Health,” Circulation. 2003;107:e2-e5. Originally published January 7, 2003. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1161/01.CIR.0000048890.59383.8D.
“Depression and anxiety: Exercise eases symptoms” Mayo Clinic, October 10, 2014; http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/depression/in-depth/depression-and-exercise/art-20046495, last accessed March 31, 2017.
