A sore throat, a condition known to us all, can stem from a viral infection, an allergy, or a simple irritation. It can be difficult to swallow and your throat and glands can swell uncomfortably. Most of us will experience it at least once or twice each year. Here is a list of the many great throat healers from the realm of homeopathic medicine.
Now, a sore throat may also be called “pharyngitis” which means a painful inflammation in the back of the throat. It extends through the back of your tongue, the tonsils, and the roof of your mouth. Far and away, a type of bacteria or a virus is most likely to blame.
So, let’s look at the homeopathic remedies for sore throat, along with the list of characteristic symptoms.
- Arnica Montana: For sore throat after talking non-stop for long periods of time
- Phytolacca Decandra: For sore throat with swollen tonsils
- Aconite: For sore throat as a result of cold, dry, and/or windy conditions
- Lachesis: For sore throat with pain and inflammation (predominantly on left side)
- Mercurius Vivus: For sore throat that feels raw and burning
- Belladonna: For sore throat without any cause
- Hepar Sulphuris: For sore throat’s with a sensation of something stuck in the throat
- Gelsemium: For sore throat that develops slowly and gets worse over time
- Phytolacca: For sore throat that is hot with pain and is red or blue in color
- Ulmus Rubra: All purpose sore throat reliever
- Lycopodium: Best for sore throat with pain on right side
- Arsenicum Album: Best for sore throat with burning sensation
- Rhus Toxicodendron: For sore throat with restlessness
- Apis Mellifica: Best for red, swollen throat and tonsils
- Sulphur: Best for sore throat with pain, that feels better after drinking a cold drink
- Bryonia: Used for sore throat with dry cough
- Nux Vomica: Used for sore throat during the early stages of cold or flu
- Kali Bichromicum: For sore throat with mucus discharge
- Mercurius Solubilis: Used for sore throat with pain that extends to the ear
- Ferrum Phosphoricum: Used for dry, red, inflammed sore throats
1. Arnica Montana
Arnica montana is among the homeopathic remedies for sore throat. A person that requires arnica will develop a sore throat after talking non-stop for long periods of time. Other symptoms will include hoarseness and difficulty swallowing, which are associated with trauma to tissue of the pharynx and larynx. That being said, almost immediately, arnica may be able to relieve a person’s sore throat.
A report of two case studies from 2017 of severe postoperative sore throat, hoarseness, and difficulty swallowing were treated with three doses of arnica 200CH over a 36-hour timeframe. Although symptoms were severe, arnica was very effective and cleared most of the symptoms after 48 hours of taking the remedy.
A review of studies from 1997 to 2013 also determined that arnica could treat inflammatory conditions, and may therefore be a good alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)—used for sore throats.
2. “Phytolacca Decandra”
This North American plant is a useful treatment if a sore throat is accompanied by swollen tonsils, and a throat that is noticeably red—a dark shade of red.
Other symptoms that would warrant using Phytolacca decandra are difficulty swallowing, possible pain radiating to your ears, pain upon sticking out your tongue, and a voice that has become hoarse.
Try to gargle with a tincture mix for 30 seconds to a minute. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt for an added bonus.
3. Aconite
This remedy is effective if your sore throat has come on suddenly and rather strongly after you’ve been exposed to cold, dry, and/or windy conditions.
What often happens is you will be chronically thirsty, run a fever during the first 24 hours, and feel highly anxious and restless. The color of your face will redden, possibly switching between a pale color and red.
4. Lachesis
The fundamental principle behind using this homeopathic herb for sore throat is this: the pain, inflammation, and symptoms will be predominantly left-sided.
Your throat will feel swollen. The pain is worse when at night, in the morning upon waking, and after you drink tea, coffee, or other warm beverages. The pain isn’t as bad when you’re eating food, or anything cold. You feel sensitive to touch, and you can’t stand to wear clothes such as dress shirts or turtlenecks—anything that constricts the throat or even lends that impression.
5. “Mercurius Vivus”
This remedy, with a fun-to-say name, is useful for a particularly harsh sore throat that feels raw and burning. The throat and tonsils are swollen and your mouth is practically dripping with saliva constantly, forcing you to swallow. You are very sensitive to heat and cold, which does not make for many comfort scenarios. This is a sore throat you want ended as quickly as possible.
Mercurius may help do that for you. Other symptoms include bad breath, sweat, metallic taste in the mouth, yellow coating on the tongue, possibly canker sores, and possible swollen glands in the neck—and all symptoms are worse at night.
6. Belladonna
A “Belladonna” sore throat is one that happens out of nowhere and tends to be quite intense. The throat is red and swollen, throbbing with pain. Your face may be red and flushed, while your neck is hot, sore, and even swollen. There may be a fever.
At night, the pain is worse, for some reason usually on the right side. Your throat will feel constricted and swallowing won’t feel very good.
7. Hepar Sulphuris
It’s highly unlikely that you could get a splinter lodged in your throat (save perhaps eating a small piece of unfinished wood), but that is what this sore throat would feel like. You’ll have sharp pains in the throat, extended to the ear sometimes when you swallow, as if something’s jabbing you.
Suffice to say, one hallmark symptom for Hepar sulphuris is extreme irritability. You also feel chills often and are more comfortable in warm environments and drinking warm beverages. Your senses are heightened to the point where you are oversensitive to noise, light, motion, and all the rest of that fun stuff.
8. Gelsemium
span id=”Phytolacca”>This sore throat develops slowly, getting steadily worse over a period of several days. You start to feel weak and heavy, like you’re dragging around a bag of dullness.< Along with the soreness, you get flu-like symptoms such as chills and fever. The throat pain may extend to the ears when you swallow.
9. Phytolacca
Your throat is sore and hot, and red or blue in color. You have shooting pains up your face when you swallow food and drink. Warm beverages make everything worse. There’s a good chance the glands in your neck are swollen — if they are, they are likely painful.
Pain is worse at the back of the throat, and it feels like there is a lump down there. If you stick your tongue out, you might feel a bit of pain in the root of the tongue.
10. Ulmus Rubra
Also known as slippery elm, this herb is an excellent all-purpose sore throat treatment. As a matter of fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration considers slippery elm a safe and reasonably effective way to relieve sore throat and cough.
Take a peek at some of the throat lozenges and liquid remedies in the pharmacy and you might find this plant as an ingredient. It has high mucilage content, helping soothe an irritated throat.
11. Lycopodium
Lycopodium is another one of the better homeopathic remedies for sore throat pain. This particular remedy is more useful when the sore throat is worse on the right side, or begins on the right side and then moves to the left.
A person that requires lycopodium will also have throat pain with a choking sensation that feels like a ball is stuck in the throat. The throat pain will improve from warm food or drinks. Pain will worsen in the late afternoon, which is generally between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Overall, the person does not like taking lycopodium; however, it works well once they do start taking it.
12. Arsenicum Album
Arsenicum album is a remedy used for a burning sensation in the throat that is accompanied by thirst, restlessness, fatigue, and chills. A nasal discharge often happens before a sore throat develops.
The person that requires arsenicum often gets colds or chest problems. Other symptoms include sneezing or a fever. Symptoms are relieved often from warm liquids, while throat pain worsens from cold drinks or exposure to the cold, or at midnight.
13. Rhus Toxicodendron
Rhus toxicodendron is another of the homeopathic remedies for sore throat pain, which is accompanied by restlessness that worsens after first swallowing. However, this pain is relieved after subsequent swallowing and drinking warm liquids.
Symptoms may be initiated from straining the voice, wet weather, or cold air. The person is also thirsty for water. Other symptoms include a dry mouth and throat, and aches and pains while lying still. This pain will worsen from initial movement, but it then improves from continuous motion.
Rhus toxicodendron should also be used with a sore throat or nasal congestion that results from a cold that begins with body aches and stiffness, especially during weather changes or cool, damp weather.
14. Apis Mellifica
Apis mellifica is a remedy used when a person has a shiny, red, and swollen throat and tonsils. The person’s uvula, or middle tissue in the throat, is often swollen, and this means there may be a stinging or burning pain that feels better when eating ice or drinking cold liquids. The pain will also worsen when drinking warm liquids.
At the same time, the person has very little thirst and will also have difficulty swallowing, and a sensation that is fishbone is stuck in the throat.
15. Sulphur
Sulphur is among the homeopathic remedies for sore throat pain. In particular, this remedy is used for a burning, lingering sore throat that feels better with ice-cold drinks. The person also sweats easily and has a high thirst.
Other symptoms will include swollen tonsils, foul breath, nasal congestion, and dry gums and nasal passages. Symptoms will occur after a severe flu or cold.
16. Bryonia
Bryonia is a homeopathic remedy used for a dry cough and sore throat. The throat will also be dry, and constricted, while there will be a stickiness from swallowing. There will also be mucus in the trachea and larynx that only loosens after a lot of hawking.
Throat pain will worsen after entering a warm room or movement; however, symptoms improve from stillness and rest. Someone who requires bryonia is often irritable, doesn’t like being disturbed, and therefore wants to be left alone.
17. Nux Vomica
Nux vomica is often used for the early stages of a cold or flu, and it is especially useful for sore throats. Other symptoms include a dry and tickly cough, headaches, sneezing, a runny nose, chills, a fever, aching muscles, and sensitive or watery eyes.
Symptoms improve from warmth, sleep, or being left alone, while symptoms worsen from cold, dry weather, overexertion, noise, or being touched.
18. Kali Bichromicum
Kali bichromicum is one of the better homeopathic remedies for sore throat pain. It is helpful for splinter-like throat pain and a thick, greenish, and irritating nasal discharge. There is thick, yellow or jelly-like mucus that can be spread out into long strings.
Other symptoms include hawking, choking, constriction, difficulty swallowing, tongue pain, and ulcers on the uvula and throat. Symptoms improve from warmth and open air, but they worsen from sticking out the tongue, talking, or cold, damp weather.
19. Mercurius Solubilis
Mercurius solubilis is a homeopathy remedy used for very sore and raw throat pain that extends to the ear. The remedy is one of the most useful for strep throat.
Other symptoms include bad breath, a heavily coated tongue, a fever, sweating at night, burning in the throat, pus, increased salivation, and swollen glands, especially on the right side.
20. Ferrum Phosphoricum
Ferrum phosphoricum is used for a dry, red, inflamed, and painful sore throat. This kind of sore throat is common in public speakers and singers. The tonsils are swollen and red.
Other symptoms include a painful and tickling cough, congestion, headaches, low-grade fever, a rapid pulse, weakness, and a tendency toward earaches and nosebleeds.
Final Thoughts on Homeopathic Remedies for Sore Throat
Homeopathic remedies for sore throat pain are an excellent alternative approach. Some of the homeopathic remedies your homeopath may recommend have been mentioned in this article, and include arnica, aconite, phytolacca, lachesis, belladonna, Hepar sulphuris, Mercurius vivus or solubilis, Ferrum phosphoricum, Nux vomica, bryonia, sulphur, apis, Rhus toxicodendron, Arsenicum album, Ulmus rubra, gelsemium, and lycopodium.
Are you new to homeopathy? In general, five liquid drops or one pellet every 15 minutes for intense symptoms and every four hours for milder symptoms. Once symptoms have improved, you should discontinue the remedy until symptoms return. If after three doses there is no improvement, this is when you should consult a homeopath.
It is always a good idea to work with a qualified homeopath to help determine what remedy is best for your mental, emotional, and physical symptom picture. They will be able to select the right remedy, potency, frequency, and dosage for your sore throat.
Also read:
- Sore Throat on One Side: 7 Causes and Treatments
- Sore Throat in the Morning: Causes and Treatments
- 10 Homeopathic Remedies to Fight Coughs and Colds
- Home Remedies to Get Rid of Whooping Cough Naturally
- Pineapple Juice for Cough: Effective Homemade Cough Remedies
- Essential Oils for Cough, Cold and Congestion
- Uncontrollable Cough: 7 Causes and Home Remedies
- Homeopathic Remedies for High Blood Pressure
Article Sources (+)
Balch, J., et al., Prescription for Natural Cures: A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet, Nutrition, Supplements, and Other Holistic Methods (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004), 501.
“Pharyngitis,” Texas Health; https://www.texashealth.org/health-information/mycheckups, last accessed April 2, 2018.
“Common Cold (Homeopathy),” Kaiser Permanente; https://wa.kaiserpermanente.org/kbase/topic.jhtml?docId=hn-2213002, last accessed April 2, 2018.
“Know Your Remedies: Bryonia alba,” HomeopathyPlus; https://homeopathyplus.com/know-your-remedies-bryonia-alba-bry/, last accessed April 2, 2018.
Lockie, A., Encyclopedia of Homeopathy: The Definitive Home Reference Guide to Homeopathic Remedies and Treatments for Common Ailments (New York: DK Publishing, Inc., 2000), 63.
Hershoff, A., N.D., Homeopathic Remedies: A Quick and Easy Guide to Common Disorders and Their Homeopathic Treatments (New York: Penguin Putnam Inc., 1999), 259.