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How to Manage Excessive Burps and Belches

By Dr. Victor Marchione, MD ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

Although your digestive system regularly handles air and gas, it has no real ability to actually do anything with them. As a result, any vapors that get into your stomach or esophagi are not absorbed by the body and are simply expelled—and the body doesn’t particularly care which end it leaves by. When this expulsion happens through the mouth, the result is a burp or belches.

While belching is perfectly normal, it can sometimes happen with more frequency than you’d like and can become uncomfortable or embarrassing. The good news is that it is possible to manage excessive burping by the use of a few simple dietary or lifestyle measures.


Causes of Excessive Burping and Belching

The biggest cause of excessive burping is swallowed air. A number of different activities can either result in swallowed air directly or increase your chance of swallowing air. While a certain amount of air can pass through your system without issue, too much in too short a time gets expelled as a burp.

While swallowed air is the most likely culprit, it is not the only one. Certain digestive disorders can result in abdominal bloating or excess burping as a result of irritation or trouble breaking down food:

Home Remedies for Excessive Belching

To relieve excessive belching, you have to reduce the amount of air you swallow and deal with any gas that gets into your body:

If you think that the belching is the result of an undiagnosed malabsorption condition, you should get tested to be sure since these can result in important nutrient deficiencies if not directly addressed.



Excessive burping is only a cause for concern if it is the result of an underlying gastrointestinal ailment. If belching does not provide relief from feelings of bloating or if you experience diarrhea, persistent or severe abdominal pain, bloody stools, or unintended weight loss, consult your doctor. You should also speak to your doctor if dietary or lifestyle changes don’t seem to be working.

Sources for Today’s Article:
“Bloating, Belching and Intestinal Gas: How to Avoid Them,” Mayo Clinic web site, April 15, 2014; http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gas-and-gas-pains/in-depth/gas-and-gas-pains/art-20044739?pg=1.
“Preventing Gas, Bloating, Burping, and Hiccups,” WebMD web site, November 14, 2014; http://www.webmd.com/heartburn-gerd/tc/gas-bloating-and-burping-prevention.
“What Causes Burping? 18 Possible Conditions,” Healthline web site; http://www.healthline.com/symptom/burping, last accessed December 14, 2015.
