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Pump That Iron! The Top 10 Iron-Rich Foods

By Dr. Richard Foxx, MD ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

Do you constantly feel exhausted and weak, or are you frequently avoiding activities that require a lot of energy to perform? “Yes,” you may say. “But I’ve been working a lot of hours at the office, so of course I’m tired.”

Some people walk around constantly feeling fatigued or indifferent toward life, believing that apathy is simply a daily part of existing.


Being overworked is one thing, but continuous symptoms of weakness, fatigue, or dizziness could actually be signs of an iron deficiency.

Why Iron Deficiency Occurs

The labels “iron deficiency,” “anemia,” and “iron deficiency anemia” are often used interchangeably. An iron deficiency happens when there is little iron in the body. If left untreated, it can quickly progress to a form of anemia called iron deficiency anemia.Anemia transpires when you have a low count of red blood cells in your body—iron deficiency anemia is the most common form of anemia. This kicks in if your blood cells don’t have enough hemoglobin, which is the protein that helps red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs throughout the body. Iron is imperative for the red blood cells to carry oxygen to the tissues; without the presence of iron, the red blood cells can’t carry the oxygen efficiently.In many cases, the loss of blood can contribute to low iron counts. Common causes of excessive bleeding are:

An iron deficiency can also occur if you have a certain disease or have recently had surgery. Some examples include:

Signs and Symptoms of Iron Deficiency

Symptoms of iron deficiency generally occur before it progresses to iron deficiency anemia. Mild symptoms of iron deficiency include:


Moderate cases of iron deficiency can include:

If iron deficiency progresses to iron deficiency anemia, the symptoms can include:

The Top 10 Iron-Rich Foods

If you have an iron deficiency, or if you don’t consume enough iron, I recommend you eat various whole foods, such as grass-fed meats, organic free-range poultry, and organic dairy products. Here is a list of some prime iron-rich foods:

Iron-Deficiency: The Facts

If Left Untreated

If iron deficiency anemia is left untreated, it can lead to severe heart problems, chest pains, or even fainting. Without iron, the blood cannot properly carry oxygen to the heart and brain, which will eventually cause both to slow down later on. Untreated iron deficiency anemia can also cause the immune system to become weak, to the point where infectious diseases will become more frequent. If you believe you have an iron deficiency, make sure to visit your doctor to get tested.


“Anemia or Iron Deficiency,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention web site, April 8, 2015; http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/anemia.htm.
“Iron,” The World’s Healthiest Foods web site; http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=nutrient&dbid=70, last accessed May 14, 2015.
“Iron deficiency anemia,” MedlinePlus web site; http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000584.htm, last accessed May 14, 2015.
Pullen, L.C., “USPSTF: Evidence Lacking for Iron Deficiency Screening,” Medscape web site, March 31, 2015; http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/842404.
Rogers, R., “Signs and Symptoms of Low Iron in Women,” Livestrong.com, April 13, 2015; http://www.livestrong.com/article/408169-signs-symptoms-of-low-iron-in-women/.
