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Is Hummus Good for You? How Does it Benefit Your Health?

By Doctors Health Press Editorial Team ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

Is hummus good for you? Hummus is a healthy, nutritious dip that has been eaten in the Middle East for centuries because it is so cheap and easy to make, and is packed with protein.

Made from chickpeas (also called garbanzo beans) and tahini (ground up sesame seeds turned into an oily paste much like any other nut butter), hummus’ health benefits are plentiful and it’s a great option for quick lunches when paired with raw vegetables and pita bread.


The Arabic word for chickpeas is literally hummus.

Ingredients and Serving Size

Hummus is nutritious because both chickpeas and sesame seeds are high in protein. To make hummus you need a can of chickpeas, a jar of tahini (which you can get in most grocery stores in the specialty aisle) a lemon, olive oil, garlic, salt, and perhaps a little bit of water.

First, drain the beans, and here’s where you can do two things depending on preference. You can simply drain the liquid from the can and rinse the beans in cold water and then place them into the jar of a blender, or you can add the beans to water in a pot and gently boil for a few minutes to properly cleanse the beans and heat them up so you have a warm dip.

Whatever you decide, get the beans in the blender, add the oil, lemon juice (about half a lemon), garlic (to taste, but use at least one clove), salt (to taste), and about a quarter cup of water to start. Blend until smooth. If it isn’t smoothing out add more water, a little at a time, until it gets to the desired consistency.

You can make a number of variations to this basic recipe by adding sun-dried tomatoes, basil, or roasted red peppers for added flavors and colors. A typical serving size is anywhere from half a cup to a cup, but really there are no limits with this because hummus is good for you.


Is Hummus Good for You?

To be clear, homemade hummus is what we are talking about here, not commercially packaged versions that are more often than not loaded with extra fat and ingredients that might not make it a good quick snack.

Some companies add mayonnaise and soybean oil to their hummus preparations, and both of those ingredients really cut into the health profile of hummus by adding unneeded fat, and what’s more, it’s fat that isn’t from a healthy source like olive oil. Soybean oil is cheaper, so companies tend to use it instead of a high-quality olive oil.

Precautions to Take

Despite hummus’ nutritional profile, there are a few things to be wary of when it comes to this food. Hummus is made from a legume and sesame seeds, so be cautious if you have an allergy to those foods; it’s probably best to avoid it altogether. Consume in reasonable amounts as it is high in fat, but hummus does have a lot of nutrition to offer, so don’t be afraid to enjoy it every day as part of a meal or as a snack between meals to keep you full.

Sources for Today’s Article:
“Is Hummus Good for You?” Healthsomeness web site;http://www.healthsomeness.com/hummus-health-benefits, last accessed March 2, 2016.

“Is Hummus Good for You?” Livestrong web site, November 2, 2013; http://www.livestrong.com/article/409280-is-hummus-good-for-you/, last accessed March 2, 2016.
“Is Hummus Good for You? 6 Health Issues the Super Food Dip Can Treat,” Medical Daily web site, March 24, 2015; http://www.medicaldaily.com/hummus-good-you-6-health-issues-superfood-dip-can-treat-326708/, last accessed March 2, 2016.
