Natto is not only a rich part of Japan’s cultural cuisine, but it also offers terrific health benefits. This is a two-part series that focuses on this healing food, which is a rich source of many nutrients, including vitamin K2.
The Japanese commonly eat natto for breakfast, and it can be found in many Japanese and sushi restaurants. It’s a great source of not only vitamin K2, but also vitamin B2 and protein. This food’s popularity is increasing, as it has many helpful and healthy benefits that you can take advantage of. Along with vitamin K2, which can help prevent osteoporosis, natto also contains an enzyme that’s been shown to help reduce and prevent blood clotting. This means natto can help with the prevention of stroke and heart attack.
Natto is made of fermented soybean using Bacillus subtilis natto. It’s made by adding the bacteria to lightly cooked soybeans, which are then left to ferment for 24 hours. The beans turn a brown hue, and develop a sticky texture and a particular fermented taste and smell. Some say it is an acquired taste.
Natto contains genistein, which is an isoflavone that holds anticancer benefits. When your body absorbs genistein, it acts like a phytoestrogen. Because of its similarity to estrogen, phytoestrogen can occupy estrogen receptor sites on cells. This effect can directly help reduce the incidence of breast cancer.
(How genistein fights inflammation)
Natto can be found in fermented soy foods, soybeans, miso soup, and tempura, to name some popular foods.