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Natural Treatments for Poor Sleeping Habits, Narcolepsy and Sleep Paralysis

By Dr. Victor Marchione, MD ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night unable to breathe or talk? If you have, you’ve likely experienced sleep paralysis.

Sleep paralysis causes hallucinations and other shocking symptoms that can leave you feeling scared and helpless. Thankfully, the symptoms of sleep paralysis can be remedied with natural treatments.


Sleep paralysis is essentially a state of being in between sleep and consciousness. It happens either when you’re falling asleep or waking up, or your eyes are open but you’re unable to move.

It can actually be quite scary, but it is not much to worry about. It is little more than an indication that you’re not making smooth transitions through the sleep cycle.

Common sleep paralysis symptoms are:

Although sleep paralysis and hallucinations are scary, they are not an indicator of a deep-seeded psychological problem. Sleep paralysis may accompany other sleep-related conditions like narcolepsy.


There are sleep paralysis treatments that you can try at home. These home remedies for sleep paralysis can provide a number of other benefits, including improved sleep hygiene, stress reduction and resolving poor sleeping habits.

Natural Ways to Treat Poor Sleeping Habits and Sleep Paralysis

When you have poor sleeping habits it is far more likely you’ll be sleep deprived, thus greatly increasing the chances of sleep paralysis. People who experience sleep paralysis are much more likely to have poor sleeping habits and not get enough quality sleep.

By improving your sleep hygiene and the quality of sleep you get, you can perhaps limit, or even outright stop episodes of sleep paralysis. Treatments you can try include:

Treatments for Narcolepsy and Sleep Paralysis Hallucinations

Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that makes it very hard to stay awake through the course of the day. It’s marked by severe daytime tiredness and the need to sleep every few hours. Narcolepsy not only substantially lowers the quality of life for those suffering from it, but it can also be very dangerous. Things like driving, standing or operating machinery become almost instantly hazardous. Because of the frequent and involuntary sleep spells, it can greatly increase the chances of sleep paralysis and sleep paralysis hallucinations.


There is no cure for narcolepsy, but there are some available lifestyle adjustments that can help:

Other Natural Ways to Prevent Sleep Paralysis

When it comes to home remedies for sleep paralysis, the main goal should be improving poor sleeping habits. And the only real way to do this is to make better decisions during the day, long before you go to bed, so you’re relaxed and ready to sleep once you tuck yourself in:

Tips for Getting a Better Sleep at Night

Some great bedroom adjustments to treat sleep paralysis are:

Sleep Paralysis Treatment

Sleep paralysis is scary but you can treat the symptoms at home for little to no cost. Try these home remedies and leave the scary hallucinations of sleep paralysis behind!

Sources for Today’s Article:
Robinson, J., “Sleep Paralysis,” WebMD web site, October 25, 2014; http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/guide/sleep-paralysis?page=2, last accessed November 13, 2015.

NHS, “Treating Sleep Paralysis,” NHS web site, November 19, 2014; http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Sleep-paralysis/Pages/Treatment.aspx.
