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Nauseous All Day? Causes and Natural Remedies to Treat Nausea

By Mat Lecompte, CPT ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

The uneasy feeling we experience with an upset stomach due to motion sickness, infections, and other nasty “bugs” can kick us down.
Most of the time, nausea symptoms are only temporary and we can get on with our day.

But what if you’re feeling nauseous all day and every day? Should you take it seriously? Could it be an underlying condition that requires attention? It is important to know the cause of your nausea and then find the available treatment for nausea.


10 Causes: Why You Feel Nauseous All Day

Many times, nausea can be explained by various causes such as the stomach flu or motion sickness. While these usually do not require a visit to the doctor, there are other causes that may result in, or be the result of, a more serious condition.

1. Nausea Caused by Stress and Anxiety

If you are under stress at home or at work or experiencing anxiety over an upcoming task, your stomach may become queasy.

When you are feeling fearful, stressed, or anxious, your body produces extra adrenaline to deal with the underlying emotional turmoil. The adrenaline can cause discord among the acids, enzymes, and natural functions of the stomach and intestines.

In most cases, the nausea from fear will be temporary; however, any nausea from stress or anxiety may continue until the causes of these two disorders are controlled. This may warrant professional advice.


How to Manage Stress and Anxiety

If you often find yourself feeling nauseous in stressful or exciting (anxiety-inducing) situations, there are a few things you can try to calm your nerves and settle your stomach. They include:

2. Nausea Due to Overeating

Nausea resulting from an eating disorder such as overeating may be treatable at home. But even if the issue can be resolved with natural or over-the-counter treatments, you may still want to seek medical attention. An eating disorder could very well be an underlying symptom of a major health concern, be it physical or mental.

How to Ease the Stomach after Overeating

If you feel nauseated after eating too much, there are a couple of things you can do ease the discomfort. The first is to avoid feeling guilty about it! It happens to everyone, especially around the holidays when all the seasonal favorites appear! Some things you can try include:

3. Food Poisoning

If you are nauseous all day, you may be experiencing food poisoning caused by bacteria such as salmonella, E. coli, or listeria. Your nausea will be accompanied by fever, severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, and possibly even vomiting. Seek medical attention and be sure to rest and keep hydrated, even if it’s with ice chips.


When it comes to foodborne illness, depending on the type of bacteria or virus that’s been ingested, it can take weeks or months for symptoms to appear.

Don’t assume that foodborne illnesses are only active for a day or two. If you think you may have a foodborne illness or are suddenly feeling nauseated but can’t pinpoint the problem, see a doctor immediately.

Here are a few common foodborne illnesses, but there are many more that can affect you:

Home Remedies to Treat Food Poisoning

The best treatment for foodborne illness is prevention. Once you’re infected, you’ll need medical attention. You can minimize the likelihood of infection by:

4. Hangover Nausea

A common cause of feeling nauseated all day is consuming too much alcohol the previous night. Rest and plenty of water are the usual treatments as a hangover must run its course, so to speak.

Remedies to Cure Hangover Nausea

Drinking too much the night before doesn’t have to leave you feeling ill the following day—however, you have to be realistic: it’s unlikely any of these suggestions will get you off scot-free.

5. Food Allergy

Similar to the feeling of having food poisoning, people experiencing an overactive immune response to a particular food will feel nauseated and may experience vomiting. It may also be brought on by a change in the diet. A health professional can help you discover the cause without having to try various diet changes.

Most food allergies that cause nausea in adults are triggered by specific proteins in:

It’s also possible that the nausea and stomachaches you experience after eating certain foods are not due to an allergy, but rather intolerance. For example, you may have a gluten or lactose intolerance that makes you feel ill after eating foods that contain these ingredients. At the same time, you may be able to handle these foods if you eat them in small amounts.

If You Know You Have a Food Allergy, Follow These Steps

The best way to avoid nausea related to food allergies or intolerances is to learn which foods are causing the reactions and how to avoid them. You can do this by booking an appointment with a doctor and carefully reading ingredients lists on product labels.

You can plan and pack your meals and snacks at home to avoid purchasing foods with questionable ingredients. If you’re out at a restaurant, clearly indicate to your server that you have an allergy or intolerance to ensure your meal is prepared safely.

6. Morning Sickness (Nausea during Pregnancy)

Morning sickness is a normal side effect of pregnancy that leads to nausea. It typically doesn’t signify a serious condition, but is highly unpleasant, nonetheless. Morning sickness is often the first sign of pregnancy, and it affects about 80% of all pregnant women. There are even studies suggesting that morning sickness is an indicator of a healthy pregnancy.

Most cases of morning sickness won’t require a trip to the doctor for a treatment regimen. Fortunately, there are things you can try at home that may help reduce the symptoms.

7. Medication

Certain prescribed and over-the-counter drugs can irritate the lining of your stomach, resulting in a constant feeling of nausea. This includes pain relievers like codeine, hydrocodone, morphine, and oxycodone.

Supplements with iron and potassium can also cause an upset stomach, as can aspirin and anti-inflammatory medications. Do not stop taking your medications, though. Discuss your nausea with your doctor.

What Can You Do If Medications Are Causing Nausea?

Because nausea is a potential side effect of countless medications, make sure you have a thorough conversation with your doctor before any new drug is prescribed. In cases where nausea is related to taking an OTC medication, cease use and book a doctor’s appointment to learn about any ingredients or contraindications that could be the cause.

Sometimes medications need to be taken with food, so ask your pharmacist. Having a meal or snack with your medications may be all that’s required to get rid of medicine-induced nausea. Also, make sure you’re taking the proper dosage.

8. Migraine Nausea

Nausea with a severe headache and sensitivity to light usually points to a migraine. Sometimes vomiting can follow. The queasiness is caused by the autonomic nervous system’s response to the pain. You may need to see your doctor if it continues or if you feel nauseous all day coupled with the other symptoms of a migraine.

How to Prevent Migraine Nausea

It can be pretty difficult to cut down on nausea if it’s one of the regular symptoms you experience with a migraine. Still, there are some things you can try to either reduce the severity of nausea or prevent the headache.

9. Organ Inflammation

Continuous nausea can be a sign of an inflamed gallbladder, pancreas, or appendix. If you have pain in the upper abdomen region with the nausea, you should seek medical attention immediately.

10. Gastroparesis

Chronic nausea is one of the symptoms of various abdominal disorders such as peptic ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux, and irritable bowel syndrome. There is no cure for gastroparesis. Fortunately, there are treatments for the nausea.

Natural Remedies to Reduce Nausea

If your nausea is mild and does not require medical treatment, there are several things you can do at home to help relieve the feeling. If you’re curious about how to treat nausea at home, here are some of the best and easiest ways.

1. Ginger

Ginger is one of the best natural remedies for nausea, whether in raw, tea, or even ginger ale form. It has phenols to relax the stomach muscles and calm the irritated tissue as it neutralizes the acidity with the body’s enzymes.

To make ginger tea, peel and slice one ginger root into small pieces and cover with wax paper. Crush into very small pieces and add two to three cups of boiling water. Boil for three to five minutes before enjoying.

To make ginger ale, place two cups of peeled and rough-cut gingerroot and three to four strips of lemon peel in a saucepan with four cups of water. Bring to a boil and then simmer uncovered for 10 minutes. Stir in one half to one cup of sugar, bringing it to a boil for 15 minutes. Strain and chill the syrup until cold.

2. Peppermint Essential Oil

There are a few convincing pieces of research indicating that peppermint oil can help tame nausea. It may help by acting as an antiemetic and antispasmodic along the gastric lining, which can prevent vomiting. It’s believed that when consumed, compounds in peppermint oil inhibit muscular contractions.

A study looking at women who had just undergone surgical procedures noted that those who inhaled peppermint oil experienced less nausea and vomiting. Another study looking at chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting found that there was a significant benefit to taking peppermint oil. The peppermint oil was noted to reduce the intensity and frequency of vomiting in the 24-hour period following chemo sessions.

Peppermint oil for nausea may work best when it’s inhaled, as its consumption as a tea or capsule has not been well studied.

3. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea has traditionally been viewed as a digestive relaxant that can help with nausea. Its benefits may come from its potential ability to help dispel gas, soothe the stomach, and relax muscles in the stomach and digestive tract.

4. Cannabis Oil

Depending on where you live, you could simply pick up some cannabis oil to help ease nausea. Legal in some states and in countries like Canada and the Netherlands, cannabis oil, or CBD oil (cannabidiol), has shown promise as a suitable treatment for nausea and the condition that causes it.

Cannabidiol is non-psychoactive, meaning it does not produce the high associated with marijuana (the compound that provides that effect in marijuana is THC). Some studies have shown that it can help ease anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain, while other studies have shown it can settle the stomach, reduce intestinal inflammation, and regulate food intake and nausea. CBD oil is typically taken as an oral tincture.

Because the conditions of marijuana legality differ between states and countries, be sure to make yourself aware of laws where you reside.

5. Acupressure

Using the ancient Chinese tradition of acupressure, you can trigger a release of chemicals in your body to relax muscle tension and promote blood circulation.

Hold one hand out with your fingers pointing up and palm facing you. Use your other hand to position the first three fingers across the wrist. Place your thumb below your index finger, where you will feel two large tendons. Apply gentle, circular pressure to this area for two to three minutes whenever you feel nauseous. This is known as the P6 point, or inner gate. Repeat on the other hand.

6. Milk Toast

Two of the most common foods to help an upset stomach are milk, which coats your stomach, and bread, which absorbs acid. Sometimes dairy, or the thought of it, is too harsh, so we present milk toast.

This remedy is mainly for nausea associated with OTC pain medications. Heat one cup of milk until hot but not boiling. Pour the milk into a bowl and add broken-up pieces of buttered toast. Eat slowly, allowing your stomach to digest.

7. Stretch

To compensate for pain in the neck and upper back regions, your stomach can become upset and nausea can set in. Simple exercises can relieve the nausea.

For your back, lie on the floor face down. Lift your upper body to allow your back to arch as you tilt your head back.

For your neck, tilt your head forward to have your chin touch your chest. Hold for 15 seconds. Tilt your head to one side as if your ear is touching your shoulder. Hold for 15 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

8. Fresh Lemon

The aroma of a fresh lemon can curb nausea while releasing a sense of calm over you. Slice a lemon into pieces and place them near you as you rest. If you can withstand it, sip on fresh lemon juice in water or suck on a piece of the lemon for fast relief.

9. Other Essential Oils for Nausea

We noted peppermint oil above, but other essential oils have also been used to aid nausea sensations. Take note that they must be used with care. Some essential oils can be toxic, especially if they are inhaled or consumed at their regular potency.

To get the most from these oils, dilution will be a necessity. You can accomplish this by dispersing them into the air through a diffuser for inhalation or diluting them with a carrier oil if you wish to apply them directly to the skin.

Essential oils can help tame nausea by reducing anxiety, encouraging relaxation, relaxing gastric muscles, and more. Some suitable options, depending on the cause of nausea, include:

10. Go Ahead and Vomit

Sometimes the best thing you can do to get rid of nausea is spend some quality time with your porcelain throne. Vomiting may be just what you need to relieve your symptoms, specifically if it’s a result of brief food poisoning or alcohol.

11. Meditate or Take Deep Breaths

Learn how to calm the body and mind through meditation or deep breathing. This remedy may be especially effective for nausea caused by stress or anxiety.

Although deep breathing is a part of meditation, you don’t necessarily have to meditate to deep breathe. Breathing in slowly through your nose for a five-second inhale, then holding it in your lungs for three seconds before release may help calm nerves that promote nausea.

The best part about this remedy is that you can do it virtually anywhere in any situation.

12. BRAT Diet

BRAT stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast, and it’s a diet that is supposed to be easy on the stomach to lessen the effects of nausea and vomiting. Of course, you don’t necessarily have to stick to these four foods. Just focus on eating items that are bland, easy to digest, and highly unlikely to encourage any kind of reaction.

Additional Tips to Get Rid of Nausea

Sometimes the best offense is a great defense, so focusing on ways to prevent nausea can often prevent you from experiencing it in the first place. Some preventative measures include:

Being nauseous all day can interfere with your daily activities, especially if the nausea is severe or accompanied by vomiting. In many situations, it can be treated with various home remedies and does not require a trip to the doctor’s office.

There are cases that do need immediate medical attention, however, particularly if you’re also experiencing symptoms such as shortness of breath and back or jaw pain. These are common heart attack symptoms in women.

In addition to the natural treatments listed, try not to dwell on the thought of your nausea. For some, it can worsen the feeling of nausea, particularly if you have a fear of vomiting—it can be mind over matter for some.

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Article Sources (+)

“Acupressure for Nausea and Vomiting,””, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; https://www.mskcc.org/cancer-care/patient-education/acupressure-nausea-and-vomiting, last accessed November 20, 2018.
“Foodborne Illnesses: What You Need to Know,” FDA.gov; https://www.fda.gov/food/resourcesforyou/consumers/ucm103263.htm, last accessed November 20, 2018.