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Home Remedies for Strep Throat in Adults

By Dr. Michael Kessler, DC ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

Having a sore throat is something everyone goes through multiple times throughout their life. An uncommon but unpleasant cause of this symptom is strep throat. Infections can occur with surprising speed and are capable of causing significant complications if left untreated.

There are natural remedies for strep throat; but looking out for the symptoms of strep throat are especially important since the disease can commonly be mistaken for other conditions, such as the cold or flu.


What Causes Strep Throat?

You have likely come into contact with the Streptococcus bacteria at some point in your life and may in fact be playing host to this organism right now—about 20% of healthy people experience no ill effects when they contract this bacteria. During certain periods of immune weakness, this otherwise benign bacterium can begin to trigger localized inflammation within the body.

Reactions are most common in children, with adults making up anywhere between five to 10% of cases. Although asymptomatic carriers (those with the bacteria but no symptoms) are common, only active infections can spread the disease directly.

Is Strep Throat Contagious?

Yes. It is important to note that someone who has experienced a recent strep infection will still be contagious for several days after they stop showing symptoms. Keep the following in mind:

Symptoms of Strep Throat

As mentioned above, the symptoms of strep throat can overlap with those of a cold or flu. Like these other conditions, strep can cause a sore throat, fever, headache, and sometimes nausea or vomiting. Unlike a cold or the flu, strep has a number of additional symptoms you need to keep an eye out for.


Strep throat symptoms in adults include:

Most tellingly, strep throat does not come with a cough or a stuffy or runny nose like a cold or flu might. Strep also arrives suddenly and symptoms are capable of appearing seemingly overnight.

Although strep throat is the most common bacterial source of sore throats, sore throats overall are most often the result of viral infections. It is important to pay attention to the symptoms you are showing and report them to your doctor so they can make an accurate diagnosis. Antiviral treatments do not work on strep.

Strep Throat Complications

Strep throat in and of itself is not much more dangerous than the cold or flu; however, if allowed to persist, the bacteria responsible can spread elsewhere in the body. The tonsils, sinuses, skin, blood, and middle ear are the most common places the strep bacteria can spread to.


Depending on location and your body’s response, this can result in abscesses, or additional conditions like scarlet fever, or autoimmune diseases like rheumatic fever. In the worst (and rare) case, strep bacteria entering the bloodstream can trigger a potentially fatal toxic shock syndrome. Since strep infections can take up to three weeks to go away on their own, treatment is highly encouraged to minimize the chance of developing one of these complications.

Home Remedies for Strep Throat

Due to the importance of eliminating the bacteria as quickly as possible, it is highly advisable that you follow your doctor’s instructions and take any antibiotics that they prescribe. Having said that, there are several home treatment options you can employ to make the disease more bearable while the medicine does its work:

When to See Your Doctor

As mentioned, strep throat is capable of causing some potentially serious complications. Unlike the initial strep infection, which can arise suddenly, complications are most likely to emerge around two to four weeks after the initial infection. During this period, speak to your doctor if any of the following symptoms appear:

Sources for Today’s Article:
Doerr, S., “Strep Throat,” EMedicineHealth web site, January 9, 2015; http://www.emedicinehealth.com/strep_throat/article_em.htm#strep_throat_definition.
“Strep Throat,” WebMD web site, November 14, 2014; http://www.webmd.com/oral-health/tc/strep-throat-topic-overview.
“Strep Throat,” Mayo Clinic web site, December 16, 2015; http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/strep-throat/home/ovc-20165963.
