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The Benefits of Baking Soda Baths

By Dr. Richard Foxx, MD ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

A baking soda bath is a refreshing way to rejuvenate, cleanse, and detox your skin. Normally used in the kitchen for baking and keeping the refrigerator fresh, baking soda is also a valuable—and very affordable—natural health product.


Baking soda—or sodium bicarbonate—can leave your skin feeling soft, smooth, and clean without leaving a residue on your bathtub or increasing your chance of falls (like bath oils do).

It also offers some really useful detoxifying effects. Because of its high alkalinity, baking soda can help with a number of common health issues, such as yeast infections, urinary tract infections (UTIs), rashes, bug bites, dry scalp, smelly feet, and hemorrhoids.

The Importance of Alkalinity

When your body is acidic, it’s hard on your body. It can lead to inflammation and degeneration, ultimately creating a very unfavorable environment. The Standard American Diet, which is high in fried and processed foods, is very acidic. Creating an alkaline environment is very important to your health, because it limits acidity and therefore minimizes its negative effects.

Alkalinity optimizes heath by providing a setting that allows your body to function at optimal levels. Because baking soda is alkaline, it can have detoxifying effects on your skin—and other exposed areas—that can provide healing and regeneration.


Related Reading: 6 Health Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water

Detoxing with a Baking Soda Bath

Baking soda and water is truly a powerful combination. It can take a toxic infection and send it back to where it came from in a few days, leaving you feeling refreshed and healed.

Now if you’re feeling sick and tired and want to “detox,” I’m not sure taking a baking soda bath will help you. It’s not going to suck the acidic “toxins” from your skin and leave you in a fresh, healthy state. The “toxins” you might be imagining don’t work that way, and neither does baking soda. Instead, you can use a baking soda bath for specific ailments that affect the skin and other exposed areas. Here’s a list of some of the conditions a baking soda bath can help alkalize and eliminate:

Different Ways of Bathing with Baking Soda

Precautions to Take Before Getting in a Baking Soda Bath

Although a baking soda bath can be soothing, there are certain conditions that can pose problems. If you’re pregnant, have high blood pressure, or suffer from heart problems, you should consult your doctor first.


Bonus: Other Useful Detox Bath Recipes

Mcleod, J., “Natural Itch Relief,” Farmers’ Almanac web site, June 6, 2011; http://farmersalmanac.com/health/2011/06/06/natural-itch-relief/.
King, M., “Can You Use Baking Soda for Itching Skin?” Livestrong.com, January 18, 2014; http://www.livestrong.com/article/242199-how-to-use-baking-soda-for-itching-skin/.
“Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs),” Palo Alto Medical Foundation web site; http://www.pamf.org/youngadults/sex/uti/, last accessed August 10, 2015.
