Our body is a wondrous construction of moving tissues, fluids, and bones. Included in this marvelous unit are defense systems that are designed to protect the overall body, like your white blood cells. Their primary job is to help combat invaders to the body. But, what happens when those defenses go wrong and your white blood cells malfunction? In this article, we are going to talk about eosinophilia. We’ll discuss what causes eosinophilia and its symptoms, as well as how to treat eosinophilia naturally and medically. By the time you are done reading this entire piece, you should be able to recognize eosinophilia and ways to treat it.
Eosinophilia Causes and Symptoms
What exactly is eosinophilia, and what causes it? What are eosinophilia’s symptoms? An eosinophil is a type of white blood cell that is essential for fighting infections and parasites. Eosinophilia occurs when the level of eosinophils in the blood increases and causes an allergic reaction of sorts. Eosinophilia’s symptoms include allergy, cough, and respiratory problems. Causes of eosinophilia can include:
- Skin disorders
- Parasitic and fungal diseases
- Adrenal conditions
- Tumors
- Toxins
- Allergies (this can include food allergies as well as allergies to medication)
- Autoimmune diseases
- Endocrine disorders
The symptoms of eosinophilia can include:
- Asthma symptoms (i.e. wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath)
- Allergy-induced eosinophilia may produce itching, rashes, inflammation, and other allergy symptoms
- Parasite infections may cause excruciating pain in the abdomen as well as fevers, cough, skin rashes, and diarrhea.
- Common symptoms include frequent infections, pneumonia, mouth sores, and abscesses. Not so common symptoms may include night sweats, swollen lymph nodes, numbness, and weight loss.
A doctor must diagnose eosinophilia, usually through a blood test that will measure of the amount of eosinophils in your bloodstream. As you can see, the symptoms of eosinophilia are not exactly pleasant. Lickily, there are a number of non-medical treatment options that may be able to help tame the condition and its effects. Read on to find out more about how to treat eosinophilia naturally.
Natural Treatment for Eosinophilia
Eosinophilia can really make you feel miserable, so you will want to treat eosinophilia and get your body back in top shape as soon as possible. To this end, you can start to reduce eosinophil levels naturally with the following home remedies for eosinophilia and eosinophilia symptoms.
1. Neem Juice
Neem (also known by its scientific name Azadirachta indica) is an herb that has a number of antiseptic and infection-fighting properties. Drinking neem juice is believed to help purify the blood.
2. Black Pepper
Black pepper could give you some relief from eosinophilia. Mix a small amount of pepper with honey and hot water. Drink the concoction twice a day to help relieve the symptoms of eosinophilia.
3. Steam
Steam inhalation can help relieve many of the breathing issues that come with eosinophilia in the same way that it can help with colds. This can easily be done with a pot or kettle of boiling water. Use a towel over your head to make a seal. Saunas can also help in this regard and provide some relief in the respiratory system.
4. Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus oil can help relieve some of the symptoms of eosinophilia. Add a few drops into the water that you intend to use for your steam treatments.
5. Turmeric and Milk
A warm glass of milk with a dash of turmeric powder can help clean out eosinophilia.
6. Ginseng
Used in a number of home remedies for various medicinal issues, ginseng can also be used for eosinophilia due to its reported ability to help reduce inflammation.
7. Fenugreek Seeds
Also known as “Greek Hay,” fenugreek seeds could help relieve your body of eosinophilia issues and symptoms due to the anti-inflammatory properties of the seeds. Take two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds and boil them in water. Gargle the mixture in order to relieve the symptoms in the throat area.
In addition to these eosinophilia natural treatments, there are a number of changes you can make in your diet to help prevent eosinophilia as well as treat it. For example, increasing your intake of fruits and leafy greens like spinach, kale, Swiss chard, and collard greens can help deal with eosinophilia. Doctors recommend avoiding dairy and dairy-based foods and bananas during this period as they can help increase mucus production. Your environment can also play a role in your recovery, so if you begin to suffer eosinophilia, avoid dusty and confined areas. Also avoid smoke-filled environments, and if you smoke, avoid smoking while suffering from eosinophilia.
Eosinophilia Is Treatable
If you’ve read this entire article, you may be a little overwhelmed. The causes of eosinophilia can sound pretty scary. But, it’s not as bad as it seems. There are plenty of things that can be done to prevent eosinophilia, and there are a number of ways to treat eosinophilia naturally. If you find that you are showing symptoms of eosinophilia, don’t panic! Begin by trying one or two of the home remedies. If the symptoms do not subside, make sure to see a physician who can confirm that you’re suffering from eosinophilia and determine an appropriate course of treatment.
“Information About Eosinophils Blood Test,” Medical Health Tests, March 27, 2012; http://www.medicalhealthtests.com/blood-tests/eosinophils-blood-test.html, last accessed May 18, 2017.
Drvikramchauhan, “Top Herbal Remedies & Diet for Eosinophilia,” Ayurveda and Yoga, January 4, 2016; http://www.theayurveda.org/ayurveda/top-herbal-remedies-diet-for-eosinophilia/, last accessed May 18, 2017.
“Home Remedies For Eosinophilia,” Speedy Remedies, August 11, 2011; http://www.speedyremedies.com/home-remedies-for-eosinophilia.html, last accessed May 18, 2017.
“Natural Home Remedies & Diet for Eosinophilia,” My Biologica, June 8th, 2015; http://www.mybiologica.com/51502/health-en/natural-home-remedies-diet-eosinophilia.html, last accessed May 18, 2017.