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Try This No-Side-Effects Form of Treatment for Insomnia

By Dr. Richard Foxx, MD ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

Sleepless nights are no laughing matter. Just ask anyone who is trying to negotiate a typical day, while functioning on less than four hours of sleep. Sleep deprivation makes it hard for our brains to think clearly. We can’t follow instructions, we don’t remember things, and we can’t concentrate.

Not getting enough sleep also has some serious consequences when it comes to physical health. In particular, our immune systems don’t function well when we get too little sleep and a spate of colds, the flu, and viral infections are often the result.


If you find yourself in this situation, you may be tempted to turn to drug treatments. Hypnotic drugs are often prescribed by doctors to treat insomnia. However, these drugs can cause significant prescription side effects.

If you’re looking for a better option to help you get a full night’s sleep, follow the advice of researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences in Bangalore, India. According to a research team there, behavioral interventions are the way to go. These natural cures for insomnia are effective, reliable, and work over the long term (unlike many drug treatments).

The researchers mentioned these five treatments in particular:

• Relaxation training


• Stimulus control therapy

• Sleep restriction therapy

• Sleep hygiene

• Paradoxical intention therapy


While each of these therapies differs slightly in its approach, the outcome is the same: a better night’s sleep.

The next time you go through a period of insomnia, give one of these behavioral interventions a try. Ask your doctor for more information.

Read on here to learn more about one intervention that’s having particular success with insomniacs.

Sources for Today’s Articles:
Try This No-Side-Effects Form of Treatment for Insomnia
Sharma, M.P., et al., “Behavioral interventions for insomnia: Theory and practice,” Indian J Psychiatry. October 2012; 54(4): 359–366.
