Allergy Remedies: Top 3 Natural Treatments

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

allergy remediesSpring is in the air and it comes bearing dust, pollen, ragweed, and a whole host of other allergens that are probably making your life miserable right now. Many people suffer from various seasonal allergies, so I’m going to pass along some of my top natural seasonal allergy remedies to you.

Natural Allergy Remedies

Hay fever is one of the worst seasonal allergies out there, and far too many Americans suffer from it every year. With symptoms like nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, allergic shiners, fatigue, allergic conjunctivitis, and postnasal drip, it can be very difficult to go about your daily business. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, an estimated 17.6 million American adults and 6.6 million American children suffered from hay fever in 2012 alone, and that number has been on the rise ever since.

So, you may be wondering what can be done about it. While there aren’t any permanent cures for allergies, there are a few effective solutions that can relieve some of these irritating and inconvenient symptoms.

1. Butterbur

One such solution is a highly effective and versatile all-natural remedy known as butterbur. A member of the daisy family, butterbur has been used as a remedy for numerous physical ailments such as migraines, headaches, and ulcers. It’s been known to relieve severe allergy symptoms, such as those associated with hay fever.

Butterbur can be taken orally in medicine or supplement form, but you must be extremely careful with the dosage and blend you use. Some butterbur supplements and medications contain a high level of pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which are extremely harmful to your liver and can lead to other health issues. When purchasing butterbur medications or supplements, your best bet is to look for a symbol that says “PA-free,” so you know they’re safe to use.

2. Royal Jelly

Another allergy remedy I highly recommend you try is royal jelly. You can purchase this from any supermarket or health food store, and it can be applied topically or orally ingested. Royal jelly is produced by worker honey bees with the sole intent of nurturing and providing a comfortable habitation for the queen bee. It’s a milky extract that can be used to help treat or relieve a variety of physical problems, such as insomnia, PMS, and kidney, liver, and skin diseases. It’s also considered effective when it comes to relieving symptoms of asthma and seasonal allergies caused by pollen and ragweed.

3. Nasal Irrigation

The third all-natural allergy relief method I highly recommend is called nasal irrigation. Originating in India thousands of years ago, this method has been a useful source of comfort to many seasonal allergy sufferers worldwide. Variations of it can be purchased from your local supermarket, pharmacy, or health store.

The basic idea is that a saline solution, salt water, is breathed or poured into one of your nostrils using a neti pot (a ceramic or plastic receptacle that resembles a teapot), and then expelled through the opposite nostril to clear out irritating nasal congestion and allergens. This procedure can improve your breathing and sleeping habits during allergy season. You can repeat this process as many times as necessary with both nostrils; just make sure you use either distilled or pre-boiled (and cooled) water.

With these relief methods, you can breathe easy knowing you’re taking natural steps to improve your health this allergy season.

Sources for Today’s Article

“BUTTERBUR,” WebMD;, last accessed March 27, 2017.
“ROYAL JELLY,” WebMD;, last accessed March 27, 2017.
“Allergy Facts and Figures,” Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America;, last accessed March 27, 2017.
Kiefer, D., “Nasal Irrigation and Neti Pots,” Healthline, March 1, 2016;, last accessed March 27, 2017.
“Nasal Saline Irrigation and Neti Pots,” WebMD, January 23, 2016;, last accessed March 27, 2017.