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Are These Common Little Habits Threatening Your Health?

By Doctors Health Press Editorial Team ,

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed*** and may vary from person to person***.

There are four little things that most of us do that can have negative health consequences…and we probably don’t even realize it.

Every day you wake up and do your best to live a healthy life. You eat a nutritious breakfast and watch what you eat throughout the day. You exercise and you try to get as much sleep as possible. When it comes to major lifestyle decisions, you’re really taking care of yourself.


And I commend you. These choices can be difficult and time-consuming, and there are times when they can come at the expense of other things. But are you aware that there are little, seemingly insignificant habits that could be harming your health? For a long time, I didn’t, but now I know what to watch for.

Here are the top four common habits you need to kick for better health:

So while you may be making great overall decisions to better your health, remember that correcting these small habits also counts.

Sources for Today’s Article:
“Urinary tract infection: – adults,” PubMed Health, U.S. National Library of Medicine web site, 2013; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001549/.
Peters, G., et al., “The effect of crossing legs on blood pressure: a randomized single-blind cross-over study,” Blood Pressure Monit. April 1999; 4(2): 97–101.
Melone, L., “How Crossing Your Legs Hurts Your Health,” Prevention web site, 2014; http://www.prevention.com/health/healthy-living/10-innocent-habits-affect-your-health?s=1&?adbpr=25092348&adbid=531687998446792706&adbpl=tw&cid=socHE_20141110_35308967, last accessed November 11, 2014.
