Eyelid Bump: Types, Causes, and How to Treat Them Naturally

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I’ve been there and let me tell you, it can be embarrassing—especially if you have to leave the house to run errands or go to work.

The worst part is when people keep asking you, “What’s wrong with your eye?” or they stare at you like you have a contagious disease.

Today, I’m going to explain what that red eyelid bump could be. I’ll also pass along a few tried-and-true home remedies you can use to help get rid of that pesky red eyelid bump!

What Causes an Eyelid Bump? 

There are three things that eyelid bump could be: a stye; a chalazion (inflamed lesion on the eye that affects your vision); or xanthelasma (little yellow bumps caused by fat buildup in the glands surrounding the eyes).

Styes are the most common type of red bump that forms on the eyelid, precisely where the eyelashes grow. They form when the oil glands in your eyelids are blocked by dirt and bacteria. If left untreated, they can develop into a chalazion or xanthelasma, which are far more serious conditions that can require medical treatment, including surgery.

Styes usually require a few days to develop, as it takes time for enough bacteria to build up and clog the oil glands. It’s possible to develop multiple styes at a time on the same eyelid or both eyelids.

In most cases, styes clear up on their own. Your doctor can also drain the fluid directly from your eyelid, but this procedure isn’t for the faint of heart. Don’t squeeze or try to pop a stye because that’ll increase your chances of infection.

Personally, I prefer more natural relief methods. So let’s take a look at a few natural stye treatment options!

Natural Stye Treatments

  • Avoid wearing contact lenses and applying any cosmetic products on or around your eyes until the stye clears up. Don’t touch the affected area because styes are contagious and you can spread the bacteria to your other eye.
  • Mix no-tear baby shampoo with lukewarm water and carefully dab this solution onto the stye using a cotton ball or swab. Do this every day until the stye disappears.
  • Apply a lukewarm compress or a warm teabag—preferably black tea—to the affected area twice daily for a few minutes at a time. The heat will open up the clogged oil glands and allow the fluid to drain from the inflamed area.

Wash your hands thoroughly and then massage the affected area carefully after applying the warm compress or teabag. This will encourage fluid drainage. The eyelid bump should disappear within one to two weeks. If it persists after that or gets worse, you should seek medical attention. If your vision is affected in any way, always see a doctor before trying home remedies.

Related Articles:

Natural Treatments for Eyelid Pimples, Styes and Bumps

Hordeolum Externum (External Eyelid Stye)

Raj, R. “Everything You Need to Know About Eyelid Bumps,” Health, November 27, 2014; http://www.health.com/eye-health/eye-bumps, last accessed June 8, 2017.
Goldman, R., “The 8 Best Stye Remedies,” Healthline, March 8, 2017 http://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/best-stye-remedies#overview1, last accessed June 8, 2017.